tfishell: warning: long post (feel free to downvote and subsequently hide if it's too long for you)
I have a list of suggestions from previous sales that I never got around to organizing. there are probably a
crapload of duplicates below but I offer it up for your perusing for ideas:
Pajama Sam Vol. 1 (better deal than 2)
Pajama Sam Vol. 2
Beneath a Steel Sky (FREE); Far Cry; Rayman 2; Serious Sam First and Second Encounter; Postal 2 (often just $1 on sale; gory content tho); Unreal Gold; Tyrian 2000 (FREE); Rayman 3; Beyond Good And Evil; Little Big Adventure 2; Fallout; Classic Stargunner (FREE); Flight of the Amazon Queen (FREE); System Shock 2; Carmageddon Max Pack; Terraria; Unreal 2; any of the Tomb Raiders (check out fan fixes for Angel of Darkness tho); SiN Gold; Red Faction; Redneck Rampage; Monster Bash; Gex; Medal of Honor Allied Assault; Redline (maybe wait for sale); Clive Barker's Undying; Rune Classic; Shadow Warrior Classic Complete (VERY FUN AND FREE); Realms of Chaos; Zombie Shooter 1 and 2; Carmageddon 2; Raptor Call of the Shadows 2010; World of Goo; FlatOut; Pandemonium; Ultimate Doom; Blood; Quake 1 (and Quake 2, to a lesser extent); Star Wars Jedi Academy; Bio Menace (FUN AND FREE); Return to Castle Wolfenstein; Limbo; Painkiller Black Ed.; Tron 2.0; Torchlight; Crysis; Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Beneath a Steel Sky (FREE)
Far Cry
Rayman 2
Serious Sam First and Second Encounter
Postal 2 (often just $1 on sale; gory content tho)
Unreal Gold
Tyrian 2000 (FREE)
Rayman 3
Beyond Good And Evil
Little Big Adventure 2
Fallout Classic
Stargunner (FREE)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (FREE)
System Shock 2
Carmageddon Max Pack
Unreal 2
any of the Tomb Raiders (check out fan fixes for Angel of Darkness tho)
SiN Gold
Red Faction
Redneck Rampage
Monster Bash
Medal of Honor Allied Assault
Redline (maybe wait for sale)
Clive Barker's Undying
Rune Classic
Shadow Warrior Classic Complete (VERY FUN AND FREE)
Realms of Chaos
Zombie Shooter 1 and 2
Carmageddon 2
Raptor Call of the Shadows 2010
World of Goo
Ultimate Doom
Quake 1 (and Quake 2, to a lesser extent)
Star Wars Jedi Academy
Bio Menace (FUN AND FREE)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Painkiller Black Ed.
Tron 2.0
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
postal 2; postal 2 paradise lost; far cry; rayman 2;
serious sam 1st and 2nd encounter; unreal gold; rayman 3; beyond good and evil;
little big adventure 2; fallout 1; system shock 2; terraria; unreal 2;
tomb raider 1-3; sin gold; red faction; redneck rampage; monster bash;
gex; medal of honor aa; redline; rune classic;
shadow warrior classic complete (free); tomb raider 4+5; realms of chaos;
carmageddon 2; raptor call of shadows; world of goo; flatout 1;
pandemonium; ultimate doom; blood; quake 1; jedi academy; bio menace (free); return to castle wolf;
limbo; tron 2.0; torchlight; crysis; tomb raider angel of darkness (get fixes)
Postal 2
Serious Sam 1st and 2nd Encounter
Unreal Gold
Carmageddon Max Pack and 2
any of the Tomb Raider games
Red Faction
Deus Ex
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Clive Barker's Undying
Rune Classic
Zombie Shooter 1-2
Flatout 1-2
Pajama Sam Vol. 1 :)
Ultimate Doom
Quake The Offering
Return to Castle Wolfenstien
Painkiller Black Ed
Clive Barker's Undying
FEAR Platinum
Jazz Jackrabbit 2
I wouldn't be so heartless. ;-) Have a +1 instead!