Crosmando: I'm looking for RPGs like Disgaea where you can amass hundreds of levels and become a god through grinding.
Final Fantasy II (PSP/mobile versions)
While it doesn't have proper levels, in these versions you can get so powerful even before finishing the first mission that you can kill the strongest boss in the game in its strongest form with just mashing the attack button. There should be videos on Youtube about FFII's powerlevelling.
Mary Skelter: Nightmares (original version, available here, on Steam and on the PS Vita).
While it can be hard by default, you can easily mass grind in two points of the game which makes the rest of the game considerably easier. Just be warned it might involve a bit of a bug. I also don't remember seeing videos for it, so here it goes the explanation:
For the mass grinding, you need to find the areas with propelers in the cemitery (5th floor, iirc) and the station grounds (don't remember which floor). When you find then, you'll notice you can't normally access the areas they affect due to the strong wind. Use something like the bow ability to unlock the map of this part with the strong wind and then set the auto movement option to go as far as you can into this area. The party will then get stuck in the same two squares, trying to move foward but being pushed back due to the wind right after. And while that happens, you can still get random encounters (exp+gold+items+blood crystals very easily). Just mash the confirm button when the battle starts and you should be able to win easily (at least after some grinding). Having cleared the dungeon helps, since you won't have to deal with
those things.
It's also possible to do it in the Switch version (comes as a bonus with Mary Skelter 2), but both games are
FAR HARDER and only the station grounds can still be used for that trick, since it's the only area in both games that still has propelers with 2 normal squares after the wind stops (one square means the party will hit the walls and will stop moving, so no final dungeon from Mary Skelter 2, even though it also has propelers).