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DarzaR: You are basically saying... what it takes fro safe-keeping... and not keep it?! This is... misbehave at least!
StingingVelvet: I have no idea what you are saying and I bet you have no idea what I really said.
Surely you're have no, that was pretty obvious for some time already. for example, and there is some other reading on the subject on the Web.
Post edited March 19, 2014 by DarzaR
djranis: atleast it says "Only part of it had been returned as of 2010". If you guys send it to US nothing would be returned, instead Romania would be in debt for using their safekeeping policy
StingingVelvet: Oh come on. Do you have any kind of real journalistic article that says the US takes gold from other countries for safe-keeping and then keeps it? Please.
Here is one article about the german gold reserves in the federal reserves. Germans were denied use of their reserves till 2020 by US government.. Link:
Post edited March 19, 2014 by Matruchus
Honestly, its a shame to post such scam site as a proof. Or ill immediately prove what US is run by the Elders of Zion from the Prague Cemetery via iPads.
Trajhenkhetlive: snip
Well, there might be an explanation to that. Not that I claim it to be the real one, still definitely a possibility.

"The media in Ukraine say Berkut members were rigorously trained. To be accepted into Berkut, army service and at least two to three years of law-enforcement experience were said to be compulsory.
Chances of employment with Berkut increased if the applicant was an athlete with a proven track record, reports say.
Berkut had about 4,000 to 5,000 members stationed across Ukraine. Local units were directly subordinated to the heads of regional Interior Ministry departments, instead of lower-ranking police officials such as district police chiefs."

Post edited March 19, 2014 by Sanjuro
Trajhenkhetlive: snip
Sanjuro: Well, there might be an explanation to that. Not that I claim it to be the real one, still definitely a possibility.

"The media in Ukraine say Berkut members were rigorously trained. To be accepted into Berkut, army service and at least two to three years of law-enforcement experience were said to be compulsory.
Chances of employment with Berkut increased if the applicant was an athlete with a proven track record, reports say.
Berkut had about 4,000 to 5,000 members stationed across Ukraine. Local units were directly subordinated to the heads of regional Interior Ministry departments, instead of lower-ranking police officials such as district police chiefs."

Berkut was a necessity in 90s, and it did its job. Though only to intertwine ciminals with police in the end. And even if they were trained physically (though I could argue with that), they weren't trained to protect the law. Beating everyone they could see, if provoked, is not a job for special forces. I don't remember the exact year, but not long ago, they were trying to capture a few armed killers. It took them enough "brains" to start the operation at daytime, armored vehicles and a grenade launcher. Yeah, real special forces.
Post edited March 19, 2014 by AzureKite
AzureKite: Berkut was a necessity in 90s, and it did its job. Though only to intertwine ciminals with police in the end. And even if they were trained physically (though I could argue with that), they weren't trained to protect the law. Beating everyone they could see, if provoked, is not a job for special forces. I don't remember the exact year, but not long ago, they were trying to capture a few armed killers. It took them enough "brains" to start the operation at daytime, armored vehicles and a grenade launcher. Yeah, real special forces.
Interesting. The nineties, yes, a "good" time that was indeed. All of us had to create such specops units.
I wonder what those 3000-4000 people with a military record, highly trained and athletic are doing now that their unit was disbanded.
Post edited March 19, 2014 by Sanjuro
Okay, so some people are saying wrong things and other people can't figure out why nothing fits together, so I think a quick rundown of Russian politics is in order.

1. Putin is a thief. (So are Yanukovych, Tymoshenko, Yushchenko, Kuchma, etc. - Russia and Ukraine are both kleptocracies, except Russia has enough money to keep the fire of populism burning and Ukraine doesn't.)

2. Russia is getting weaker, as more and more shit is being stolen. Yes, I have documental proof, if the public news reports of subfactions of thieves being ousted and replaced with other thieves are not enough.

3. You think (2) is wrong because Putin is a thief who's good at his fucking profession. He stays in power and gets to steal more shit in no small part because he's good at PR. Your own politicians use Putin's PR for their own ends (to scare you into submission with the spectre of Communism).

4. Rodor, from earlier in the thread, is a Nazi. If you want to make pronouncements on Russian politics, you would do well to remember Nazis are in the fucking opposition. They hate Putin.

5. You have no doubt heard about "the opposition" in Russia as if it was a single united faction. It isn't. The "opposition" you have heard of are an alliance of several right-wing factions assembled together by foreign agency like adventurers in a inn. There are more (right-wing) opposition factions which are not in the alliance and in fact hate it. However - the Nazis are in that one faction the West likes.

5a. There is no left wing.

6. Sanjuro is most likely a neo-Stalinist. Neo-Stalinists are not actual Communists, they aren't even brand-name Russian Communists. They are a rich and highly educated thinktank faction who have bizarre out-of-place unfounded Kantian beliefs; as such, they tend to be factually correct in political matters but lie when those beliefs demand that they do so. "There are no Russian soldiers in Crimea" is obviously a lie, but neo-Stalinists believe they should behave like professional diplomats.

7. When Western Ukrainians talk about Russia being nasty and dangerous in very particular ways, they are wrong, because of 1-3. Neo-Stalinists is a faction that actually embodies these concerns.

8. The sanctions against politicians do mean something to the politicians, however much Sanjuro would like to pretend otherwise. I remind y'all of the Magnitsky Act, to which Russia responded with "let's fuck over orphans". Everyone in politics is basically playing Jenga and knows that one day the tower collapses, they lose the subfaction war and will have to flee to the West with what they managed to steal and pretend to be unjustly fursecuted. And when they are b& from the West, they shit bricks. Neo-Stalinists sympathize with the politicians despite not being personally involved in politics, because they too like the West, what with being rich and educated.

9. Putin is a legitimate president by dint of being pretty much everyone's second-best choice. (He was an illegitimate prime minister and emergency president last millennium, because Yeltsin lost the 1996 elections - but, again, that was so long ago that some of you who are now talking politics were learning to talk fullstop).

10 Human rights abuses are a dime a dozen. But you know what? The West shares the blame, because all Western corporations that rank super high on various equality indices fully support and commit abuse here in Russia. And of course opposition factions support abuses directed against other opposition factions. People who whine about the sorry state of democracy in Russia would do well to remember that in whatever Putin does that you think is evil, he has the actual backing of an actual majority. That doesn't make it "not evil" or "the lesser evil", it means not everything should be up for a vote.
AzureKite: Berkut was a necessity in 90s, and it did its job. Though only to intertwine ciminals with police in the end. And even if they were trained physically (though I could argue with that), they weren't trained to protect the law. Beating everyone they could see, if provoked, is not a job for special forces. I don't remember the exact year, but not long ago, they were trying to capture a few armed killers. It took them enough "brains" to start the operation at daytime, armored vehicles and a grenade launcher. Yeah, real special forces.
Sanjuro: Interesting. The nineties, yes, a "good" time that was indeed. All of us had to create such specops units.
I wonder what those 3000-4000 people are doing now that their unit was disbanded.
Those who did not flee, were re-evaluated in interviews and transferred to another special units. Possibly to some unit created instead of Berkut.
Starmaker: And what are you and DarzaR? :D

Nice post, btw.
Starmaker: <snip>
An interesting read, I know little of politics, or even views and distribution of politics in Russia. I've a couple of questions purely for my own curiousity:

In your groups you have identified, where do the following fit:

Gary Kasparov,
Pussy Riot
The new interim Ukrainian Presidient
Most Russians

I'd be interested because I suspect there are other groups, and I'd like to know about them.
Trajhenkhetlive: snip
Sanjuro: Well, there might be an explanation to that. Not that I claim it to be the real one, still definitely a possibility.

"The media in Ukraine say Berkut members were rigorously trained.
There probably are some berkuts in those guarding the border posts. Blue/grey uniforms. They were filmed when they pledged their oath to the local gov.

The troops in green have the latest equipment of Russian ground forces. The Mi24/35 witnessed at the start of the force buildup bear IDs of a VVS unit. Some Gaz Tigr deployed seem to be linked to the 810th Naval Infantry . Other tigrs however, like the one registered КТ 21, last seen at Belbek, correspond to a guard unit from the Southern district . Could be 22nd brigade - spetsnaz . Other indication point to elements of the 7th Airborne and 78th storm. Add to that a train full of multiple rocket launchers , and sightings of Bastion and S300 systems, mobile radar systems ,... It's a rapid reaction force, nothing else
Reever: Starmaker: And what are you and DarzaR? :D

Nice post, btw.
Second this lol. But as this stuff have a some deep flaws in, well, maybe im not sure if i'd actually want to know...
Post edited March 19, 2014 by DarzaR
wpegg: I'd be interested because I suspect there are other groups, and I'd like to know about them.
From ones, what could be of interest for you, we have a pretty vibrant Pastafarian communities countrywide, Joy Division fanclubs and some people who want to steal a prince Harry from you and get him on the Russian throne, probably lured by the Simpsons prophecy about him.
Post edited March 19, 2014 by DarzaR
wpegg: I'd be interested because I suspect there are other groups, and I'd like to know about them.
DarzaR: From ones, what could be of interest for you, we have a pretty vibrant Pastafarian communities countrywide, Joy Division fanclubs and some people who want to steal a prince Harry from you and get him on the Russian throne, probably lured by the Simpsons prophecy about him.
Oh please give me a link to that website!
DarzaR: From ones, what could be of interest for you, we have a pretty vibrant Pastafarian communities countrywide, Joy Division fanclubs and some people who want to steal a prince Harry from you and get him on the Russian throne, probably lured by the Simpsons prophecy about him.
wpegg: Oh please give me a link to that website!
They are different communities who hate(?) eachother(?). I need some information first. What exactly website do you mean?