Posted September 21, 2017

Since nobody commented here, can I try to debunk Mr. Freeman? I wonder if Shariy will comment on this, since he started to be more involved with russian politics... (as I was typing this - he did!)
This video seems like unedited one.
Claim by Freeman: "Former KGB spy, angry at collapse of his motherland"
Counter claim: "While Putin was indeed angry at collapse of USSR, its hard to find anyone within ex-USSR, who would be happy - since a) the Perestroyka was actually not about collapsing and b) CIA openly admitted running multiple operations aimed at collapsing USSR - and not helping to reform it, how it was claimed in the public. In short, there is nothing wrong with being angry if your country collapses, is it?"
Claim by Freeman: "Plots a course for revenge."
Counter claim: "Freeman provides absolutely no proof of 'revenge'."
Claim by Freeman: "Taking advantage of the chaos..."
Counter claim: "First, the chaos was completely US-made. The islamists made it to Chechnya before Putin came to power and was funded by people in US gov't and Saudi Arabia. Purpose flooding of the market causing massive economy collapse, direct external support of Yeltsin and all people involved in unconstitutional dissolution of USSR under false motto of 'independence' in Belavezha, while general population was feed with populism about 'democracies' on mass media, controlled by criminal godfathers. There is a nice series done by US about outbreak of crime, called "Criminal Russia". I mean, I survived these days, the mass media was full with crime reports and racketeering. This is absolutely not what USSR citizens agreed upon: they wanted to reform the economic system, not to wreck and divide everything. To sum up - the chaos in USSR was a direct result of massive US interference."
Claim by Freeman: "...., he works his way through the ranks of post-soviet russia and becomes a president."
Counter claim: "The 1999 article from Carnegie describes US stance at that time and how exactly Putin became president. Putin came to wreckage and started to fix it, while US was looking for a way to force Russia solve the conflict with suicide bombers and toting fanatics 'politically'. Why? Easily because US govt had Russia disintegration as utmost interest - fragment it further into chaos, then run the land of those who survived. How do you actually argument with suicide bomber?
Also, Yetsin was virtually a puppet with serious health and mental problems, as Skuratov has once openly stated. The state at that time was run by godfathers-oligarchs, for example Boris Berezovsky - who run NTV, and who introduced Putin to upper circles (oligarchs) was a godfather and somehow managed to flee to UK for protection - of what I presumely see as paycheck for his own criminal actions, and he WAS a criminal - plus to make huge 46m pound debt! How is it possible without involvement of influent people from UK, for example?"
Claim by Freeman: "He establishes an authoritarian regime."
Counter claim: "Thats an outright lie. Recently an ukrainian UPA-supporter has won the lower court in Russia. How is this possible in authoritarian regime?"
Part 1... (if I manage more)
But i disagree. I think that Hillary Clinton was right.
Both Morgan Freeman and Samuel L. Jackson are Superpredators: they have no conscience, no empathy. And we have to bring them to heel.
Seriously speaking, one has to be more responsible and being paid for cannot be used as a justification. Actor such as him, which exploits an image of a "Wise Elder" and tells us about cosmos and black holes on "National Geographic" channel (USA's propaganda channel; i even saw McCain's mug there once (American russophobe); was a good channel in the past) should be more responsible for his actions. He has no more respect than Samuel L. Jackson now.
And why i was surprised? All Hollywood actors have a price. Some of them were entertaining Russian criminals on theirs birthdays (to name a few: Richard Gere, Jennifer Lopez, Sharon Stone, Paris Hilton, Monica Bellucci).
As Russians say (when they don't want to say word "prostitute"): people with reduced social responsibility. :D
Post edited September 21, 2017 by vsr