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low rated
I am gonna post this, because when people accuse current Kiev regime to be fascist, many call him "Kremlin troll".

This is a profile of typical one-nation one-ukraine soldier.
Russia needs communism back, you can't oppose the West while at the same time being part of the international capitalist market system, because that system is controlled by the US/West As soon as Putin starting acting independently of the Americans in Ukraine and Crimea, they got slapped down with Western sanctions and the Russian economy started tanking.

Solution is to nationalize everything.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by Crosmando
You know it's not worth arguing when someone justifies grand theft auto because "there is no food." Like you can't sell a pretty nice Mercedez you paid nothing for for food. Or as if grand theft auto is actually justified in the case of a civil war, which more or less is less civil and more between 2 countries. Gremlion is too stuck in his nationalism to understand he is arguing for the suffering of others and justifying it with "Well shit, we have it bad too." Congratulations on being the bigger ignorant.
Also, what is up with the hate speech? That is a whole new level of lame.

Edit: Never mind. Forgot about the NATO bombings. Off topic anyway. Shit, and I'm actually reading now about the older conflicts before I was born. It seems South Eastern Europe isn't much better off.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by HijacK
low rated
Trilarion: I think you are underrating the media (let's count all possible sources of information together as media).
The media is to travel to source of conflict and then post raw information from the conflict zone; to take interviews from both sides without putting any of the own agenda/propaganda, or asking loaded questions; to do investigations without being affiliated or upfront paid for certain point of view.

No such media exists, especially in the west.
The only reliable source are independent journalists, which are very often killed.

Trilarion: The coverage of the war in the Ukraine is still there and still people die everyday and still no political solution is in sight but apart from this nothing has changed substantially in the last time. Naturally you do not write every day that everything is still the same or do you?
There can be no solution, if one of the parties only sees violence as a solution.
Turn on the english subs:

Trilarion: Unfortunately Ukraine is not the only crisis in the world. What about IS? What about Israel and the Palestinians? What about Boko Haram? They probably deserve the same attention like Ukraine and Russia.
[url=]Two Three
So, who deserves attention?

Trilarion: Coming back to Ukraine and Russia: I don't see an easy solution. The war can go on for years and people will continue to die. Why they have to die - why people had to start to fight - I still don't know the answer to this crucial question and I'm beginning to compare the hatred that developed between Russians and Ukrainians to the hate between Israelis and Palestinians, but I'm tired to write about the same thing over and over. This doesn't change anything. Basically everyone who kills others and takes up arms to anything else but defend himself (not the Israelian version of forward defense) is on the wrong side. Therefore it follows that this war will only be over if both sides want it to be over and without it it will go on and on. I genuinely think that the people in Russia and Ukraine want the war. Otherwise they would much, much more oppose it. That's just my opinion.

Politically I would say that the eastern Ukraine is still a part of Ukraine. Before the war broke out there lived at least 50% Ukrainians and you cannot dismiss this. Ukraine has the better claim, especially when giving autonomy status to this region. Russian leaders are mostly war mongers and unfortunately their people are following them being ultra nationalistic. However now this area is controlled effectively by Russia (and Russian troops) but for some reason they do not dare to annex it like Crimea. So the conflict goes on and on.
You should really travel there and live few days under bombardment. Then your opinion will suddenly change.

Trilarion: Russia is a tragic figure of history. Rich beyond dreams in land and resources but they will manage to waste it all one way or the other. How ironic.
Russias tragedy comes from invaders that think its tragic that so much resources are wasted. Why not kill Russians and take over resources? And if Russians oppose, label them as terrorists, occupants and enemies of "democracy". Easy solution - take your "democracy" and ironic tragedy somewhere else, mind your own business.
low rated
Crosmando: Russia needs communism back, you can't oppose the West while at the same time being part of the international capitalist market system, because that system is controlled by the US/West As soon as Putin starting acting independently of the Americans in Ukraine and Crimea, they got slapped down with Western sanctions and the Russian economy started tanking.

Solution is to nationalize everything.
Russia is definitely not going back to communism. Being totalitarian and lacking in personal freedom, this approach is more fitting for military command. People simply want for laws to work, for their jobs to be stable, for media to be objective and government not corrupted. Government being both, a sock puppet or locked-up from own population, is a corrupted government.
low rated
Ukrainians suffered enough for theirs European dream.
Germany should allow them to migrate from Ukraine to Germany to live and to work there.
This nonsense should end at last.
low rated
vsr: Ukrainians suffered enough for theirs European dream.
Germany should allow them to migrate from Ukraine to Germany to live and to work there.
This nonsense should end at last.
Yes, Germans should build a wall around "European dreamers" and have them live their "European dream" of burning tires, worshipping Hitler and Bandera, telling lies and stealing everything they can instead of fair work - alone.

Killing people and the shouting "Heil Ukraine" is everything they are capable of.
Post edited September 25, 2016 by Lin545
Crosmando: Solution is to nationalize everything.
Everything is technically already "nationalized". Putin and his gang own everything. Whether they own it as government agents, priests or private individuals doesn't matter in the slightest. Neither private property nor communal ownership exist on an industrial scale. If you "own" something, you can be made to sell it for peanuts. If the state owns something, it can be sold for peanuts and We the People are completely powerless to prevent it. (Or it can be gifted / permanently leased for free to the church, and taxpayers will be on the hook for maintenance anyway.)

If, this very instant, all property is either officially privatized or officially nationalized, nothing whatsoever is going to change. "Private property" and "state property" aren't absolutes, they're descriptions of correspondingly similar sets of legal statuses applicable in real jurisdictions. Since laws in Russia aren't subject to any sort of democratic process, these statuses are meaningless.
low rated
Starmaker: Everything is technically already "nationalized". Putin and his gang own everything. Whether they own it as government agents, priests or private individuals doesn't matter in the slightest. Neither private property nor communal ownership exist on an industrial scale. If you "own" something, you can be made to sell it for peanuts. If the state owns something, it can be sold for peanuts and We the People are completely powerless to prevent it. (Or it can be gifted / permanently leased for free to the church, and taxpayers will be on the hook for maintenance anyway.)

If, this very instant, all property is either officially privatized or officially nationalized, nothing whatsoever is going to change. "Private property" and "state property" aren't absolutes, they're descriptions of correspondingly similar sets of legal statuses applicable in real jurisdictions.
Prior to Putin, these resources were owned by mafia and national debt only skyrocketed. Why haven't you prevented it? Is it so bad that Putin has paid full USSR (for all member states) and Russia's national debt using this money, as well as started to build the economy back instead of mutilating the country further, in style that "private owners" did between 1991 and 2000?

Starmaker: Since laws in Russia aren't subject to any sort of democratic process, these statuses are meaningless.
Sure, is this why Milosevic was left to die in prison and refused of any medical attention?
Post edited September 03, 2015 by Lin545
low rated
Starmaker is obviously an American-sympathizing urban liberal who wants Russia to be a satellite state of NATO and the EU.
Crosmando: Starmaker is obviously an American-sympathizing urban liberal who wants Russia to be a satellite state of NATO and the EU.
Coming from a person who probably never truly experianced what it is like to live under a true and pure communist regime.
low rated
Crosmando: Starmaker is obviously an NWO-sympathizing urban liberal who wants Russia to be a satellite state.
Here, corrected it for you. You can't blame America for what its elite does, remember the US civil war.
Just do a brief read of Manifest Destiny and who supported and opposed it.
low rated
From Puerto Rico
low rated
Elmofongo: Coming from a person who probably never truly experianced what it is like to live under a true and pure communist regime.
So tell me, whats better? Citizen of North Korea or slave of Confederation?
Crosmando: From Puerto Rico
I'm not saying I do know what it is like? I'm saying that our chances of living in a true communist regime (not that ruthless Stalin or Mao Communism and none of the others were truly faithful to Marx's vision)

Thus we remain in ignorance of how a true Marxist Regime would be like in Practice.
Elmofongo: Coming from a person who probably never truly experianced what it is like to live under a true and pure communist regime.
Lin545: So tell me, whats better? Citizen of North Korea or slave of Confederation?
What is a difference between a Working Citizen and Slave?

A Slave is a slave to his masters

A Working Citizen is a slave to society.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by Elmofongo