HijacK: Oh, but it's funny because in this case you are the retard with a weapon in a different country. Should I go to youtube and post a video of how in Russia a tank just randomly rolled through roads?
Your idiocy gives me cancer.
I live in the middle of Siberia ><. I'm not in the different country with weapon.
And I don't understand what's your little brain want to prove with "tank on the road in Russia". I live near the city with tank plant, I see them regularly - test drive.
XenSavage: Interesting that you're posting this and mix with the dirt anyone who posts similar or even a lot more believable videos on russian army invasion, double standards ?
Yeah, I have seen tons of "more believable videos on russian army invasion" on every major uncensored western media source, such as... such as... such as...
Still thinking...
I haven't seen them :(
XenSavage: As for second - if you ever passed any border with any country you probably know that officers there don't give a fuck where you go as long as your reply for "Purpose of your visit" is adequate and short. So those dudes had to go full retard, which they confirm in the article you've posted with "different view between them and border officers on history" .
Yeah. Poland visitors thought that people which did Volyn massacre are sick fucks, but they are Ukrainian national heroes now.
Let's ask someone from Poland
What happened on the border with Ukraine?