DarzaR: Id doesnt matter what you're actually believe or no. You make an incoherent statement, thats the deal. While its possible to create your "real countries" in theory, its looks to be impossible on practice by now.
I'm not proposing anything, I'm simply saying why cling to some lines on a map if they clearly do not represent reality and are causing bloodshed? Why not come to terms even if it means redrawing some borders or giving these regions independence, if it means peace?
Say, i move to your country with my family, you will need to redraw your country borders to make them match your ideas of "common identity" at a spot then, or they are simply some random dreaming. If youll somehow will isolate groups of people from eachother entirely - it could lead to something you're dreaming about, but again, world history show what it still doesnt work the desired way.
When exactly did I suggest anything even close to this? Please inform me. Obviously many people in Ukraine do not want to be part of Ukraine, and want a union with Russia or independence, if they are willing to fight and risk their lives then they must feel quite strongly about it. If any country has a portion of it's people who are willing to fight, kill and die for the chance of not being part of their country - then something is wrong with that country.
But yes, in theory its possible, In theory there is actually Reptilian shadow governent, what rule the world etc, but its pointless to discuss in topic about war, unless you can bring some actual unknown yet data about it into, otherwise its simply (un)intentional distraction.
The countries we know now, and can operate with, are "artificial constructs", so if you claim what one country can do smth because its "real", and other "artificial", youll just go to not even wrong contributor category.
Again, I did not say that Ukraine itself was an artificial construct, but that perhaps it's current borders are - that is they do not reflect reality and are causing bloodshed and suffering. If you get to the stage when people are dying then it's a good idea to have a clear look at the facts.
Thats actuall a nice twist you did, i noticed it in past. Now id be curious to see you eagerly battling the common idea of some people here, what roughly can be described as "USA staged a coup, poor people resist it, Russia have nothing to do with it at all".
I would not say this, and I'd appreciate if you didn't try and put words in my mouth.
Just to see if you actually having some idea behind your words, or its just another nice "everybody's fault exept mine" stuff. And yes, it wouldnt have gone on for long, in case internal problem woudlnt been accompanied with direct involvement to prolong them.
So what? Countries will always support one side or the other, if a country is so weak that it cannot even keep itself together then you have to evaluate if it's worth keeping it in it's current form.
And of course not every separatist is a soldier, why you propose that? Or you mean what if you add to internal problems some phony army, what consist from gunmen 100% came from outside, and was unable to find not even one guy to share a good word with them as the only possible meaning of "invasion"?
Of course not, but if their wasn't widespread popular support for such foreign intervention, I don't think it would happen, if no one was collaborating.
Surely its possible in theory to change a terminology and start to call things this way, but for what? "It's an internal conflict, and undoubtedly a large amount of Ukraine's population wants independence" - problem here is what its essentially "doubtedly", and thats all that stuff is about. And there is also problems with "artificial constructs" worldwide now. Even if we will imply that "undoubtedly" for some certain case - there is not any conclusion could be done at spot, but its a problem in general, again, and here is about some small case of it.
Great, it's a problem, you can admit that now? And yes it could be applied all over the world, start with giving the Iraqi Kurds independence and move on from there.
There is also problem with ethnic Russians, who speak Russian, and want to be part of Ukraine-as-it, and with ethnic Ukrainians, who speak Ukrainian, who want to be part of Russia-would-be, and other mixes like this.
Lol now this is naive.
If you somehow actually manage to see it so extra-naive-simplifying way - well, you surely could do better after youll do some research work on a subject. And no, surely not everything there is "dark magic", but if youll concentrate on the stuff you started to initially deny - "invasion" (e.g. moving of personnel and armor through artificial border), you have to go to conclusion what it is in that narrow case. Or, worse, what "artificial construct" Russia is so artificial, so it cannot handle and control own military, so local commanders or simply random people can move anything military they have in theyr disposal anywhere they want, and use it anyway they feel to. And central government unable\dont want\dont care to control them. In this case it lead to a way more urgent situation, as you probably should see.
Again, where have I defended anything Russia is doing or has been accused of doing? It's not even the point I was making. It's simply that nations exist for a reason, because they share a common identity, culture, language or whatnot, they have real national unity and it would be nigh impossible to make them start killing each other without a very good reason. If the idea of nationality means nothing and is just some lines on a map, well you shouldn't surprised when it doesn't work in reality.
"but the idea that they can just make people go out of their homes, get guns and start fighting and risking their lives". No, idea there was slightly different. You come with a mobile group, neutralize possible opposition, and then deliver the guns to ones, who will decide to join your cause. If you send mobile groups from abroad - it makes rather a difference there.
Again, you use big phrases but you still can't explain to me why a person is going to go out and fight and possibly die if they don't have a good reason for doing so. Do Russians have mind-control rays now?
If you went to mind experiment, lets continue that. Suppose what you, and your neighbors indeed was able to resist a luring opportunity, but 3 families of Polish emigrees next street - not. Moreother, what some drug smugglers also picked them, and joined Poles-next-street cause. Assuming PAF involvement stated here from start, question here is - would you call it Australian civil war, in case of some clashes to go, especially if theyll be able to take an airfield in some initial confusion, so PAF planes can land there with volunteer troops and cargo?
This is the stupidest thing I've heard all day.