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Chacranajxy: Uhhh... not sure you have the facts straight there.

There were no levels missing from Chaos Theory on PC, and the PC version looked worlds better than the PS2 version and didn't suffer from the constant loading.

What you might be thinking of is the Kola Cell and that other level that were basically DLC for the original Splinter Cell... but that, on the PC, were distributed a bonus with the CE of Chaos Theory. Those were unrelated to the plot anyway.
Nope, I'm thinking of the two PS2 exclusive levels that finished off the plot of Chaos theory (I have both editions) that were not included in the PC release.
crap bundle, not worth getting uplay for
Has anyone bought the bundle ? Can somebody tell me the available languages for the Splinter Cell game(s) ? And the others ?
Not going to buy it. No problem with uplay (haven't tried it), I just don't find these games desirable.
I tried Uplay once. Like Origin its a practical steam clone with a bunch of crap thrown in to try and hide it.
I'm not going to buy it, but all this talk makes me curious. I am to understand that Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is the best Splinter Cell?

Also now, a new confusion...I did get a PS2 a while back to play the "culturally significant" games that never came to the PC, so should I aim to get Chaos Theory on the PS2?
It doesn't require complicated button mashing (God of War's quicktime events really soured me on that), does it? My muscle memory is not trained yet to jump to Square or Triangle in half an instant without looking down at my controller.
I'm not going to use DRMed platforms so even if they give free games (like origin does from time to time) I'm not gonna bite. Ever.
Screw them.
interesting bundle but uplay - well that's gonna be a tough decision - guess i'll toss a coin in a few days
When i noticed they were all Uplay i lost all interest... not only that most of them are FPSes, so another reason to be less itnerested...
Even if the DRM wasn't a problem, Uplay still has issues and what really bothers me is that they force Uplay for almost all of their newer games on the Steam as well.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by stg83
babark: I'm not going to buy it, but all this talk makes me curious. I am to understand that Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is the best Splinter Cell?

Also now, a new confusion...I did get a PS2 a while back to play the "culturally significant" games that never came to the PC, so should I aim to get Chaos Theory on the PS2?
It doesn't require complicated button mashing (God of War's quicktime events really soured me on that), does it? My muscle memory is not trained yet to jump to Square or Triangle in half an instant without looking down at my controller.
Chaos theory is one of the better ones for sure, IMO. There is not require complicated button mashing to play. If you have the opportunity to get it for your PS2 I would say go for it.
babark: I'm not going to buy it, but all this talk makes me curious. I am to understand that Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is the best Splinter Cell?

Also now, a new confusion...I did get a PS2 a while back to play the "culturally significant" games that never came to the PC, so should I aim to get Chaos Theory on the PS2?
It doesn't require complicated button mashing (God of War's quicktime events really soured me on that), does it? My muscle memory is not trained yet to jump to Square or Triangle in half an instant without looking down at my controller.
trentonlf: Chaos theory is one of the better ones for sure, IMO. There is not require complicated button mashing to play. If you have the opportunity to get it for your PS2 I would say go for it.
If you're going to buy splinter cell games they were much improved on the XBOX. Naturally the PS2 was too underpowered and they were pretty lame ports.
Rainbow Six 3. One of the best tactical FPS ever made is Udon'tPlay only and it isn't on GOG.
Great.Just byotiful.
Post edited September 03, 2015 by l0rdtr3k
stg83: Even if the DRM wasn't a problem, Uplay still has issues and what really bothers me is that they force Uplay for almost all of their newer games on the Steam as well.
hmmm.. looking at that tweet reminds me of hearing stories of fighting with UPlay where it had a specific bug, called and worked with the technical rep for hours to get it to work, only for the next patch to be pushed like 6 hours after they did 3 hours of trouble-shooting and ruining any chance of playing it... (Or was it Origin? I can't remember, either way they both have had issues)
They lost me at "UPlay"; they could offer me their entire current and future catalogue of games free on UPlay and I'd still refuse (likewise for EA games and Origin), I'd rather buy them DRM-free here instead.