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No, this isn't about my plans for today, it's the name of Obsidian's new RPG. To be released this year (har har). Read more here.

Official website
GOG wishlist entry
The first previews (GDC 2016)
First gameplay video (E3 2016)
Post edited June 15, 2016 by hyperagathon
Hm, no gameplay vid?
Obsidian announces Tyranny, a fantasy RPG where <span class="bold">you're the bad guy</span>

Sounds interesting.
am curious how far into the development cycle the game is in...
Overlord the 2D sprite RPG.
It'll probably be decent, Obsidian is usually good in that respect.
hyperagathon: No, this isn't about my plans for today
But what are we going to do tomorrow, Brain?
Very interesting concept. Something else to look forward to.

Here's hoping that GOG'll be able to get this on Day 1. ;)
Looks interesting, voted!
low rated
I keep reading it as Tranny, something seems to be wrong with my brain.
Better have good evil options.
Crosmando: I keep reading it as Tranny, something seems to be wrong with my brain.
Well, it probably will have vaguely androgynous elves in it. You might be onto something there.

Tranny tyranny. Gog phrases that would make good band names... or porn titles. Take your pick.
low rated
Niggles: am curious how far into the development cycle the game is in...
It seems like this game is being made by Obsidians's B-Team, reusing PoE's gameplay code/engine while the experienced devs move onto an actual PoE sequel. I might be wrong though.
Looks potentially interesting, but my mind wasn't exactly blown so far. We'll see.
EvilQuest is getting an upgrade?