Posted January 09, 2018

Truckin' Along
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States

Original Grey
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted January 09, 2018

; )
For what it's worth, PCs are still just as performant, versatile and safe as before... Until you go online.

'My Rewards' is DRM
Registered: Sep 2011
From Malta
Posted January 09, 2018
I think Linus' comments are justified because this isn't exactly a recently discovered issue, All the ones that knew didn't speak much about it and yet Intel still released 8th gen without a possible fix.

Asuka Tanaka
Registered: Nov 2011
From Taiwan
Posted January 09, 2018

Some Real World tasks could show 40% performance loss.
Average performance loss is around 5%.
Most people would not even notice it.
My Linux machine is running kernel 4.14.12, with KPTI patch enabled.
I personal can not feel any difference in daily works.

I was told there would always be a bigger fish
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted January 09, 2018
I don't know Torvalds so I can't speak at all as to his character, but I think when it comes the occasional press pickup of the flavour of the month Torvalds tirade, we're getting close to celebrating being an asshole. Sometimes the mailing lists seem like an asshacracy. I bet Torvalds puts on full terminator armor when he goes to post one of these things and has a literally battle scarred keyboard.
I can't remember reading anything he wrote that didn't have smarmy dick factoring as a major component of it. Don't mistake this as a defense of a giant mega-corporation with verified anti-competitive actions under its belt.
I can't remember reading anything he wrote that didn't have smarmy dick factoring as a major component of it. Don't mistake this as a defense of a giant mega-corporation with verified anti-competitive actions under its belt.

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted January 09, 2018

; )

Have there been any real-world damages (beyond the nerfing) from Spectre and Meltdown attacks? Meaning, has anyone actually used these exploits to mess up someone's PC? Or is all of the harm coming from finding the exploit and then fixing it?

I was told there would always be a bigger fish
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted January 09, 2018

Have there been any real-world damages (beyond the nerfing) from Spectre and Meltdown attacks? Meaning, has anyone actually used these exploits to mess up someone's PC? Or is all of the harm coming from finding the exploit and then fixing it?

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted January 09, 2018
The Olympic shot-putter?

Original Grey
Registered: Sep 2013
From Germany
Posted January 09, 2018
This whole exploit/design flaw only allows attackers to read the system's memory, but it doesn't give them the ability ( at least not directly ) to make any changes to the system, correct? I mean, they can spy on people's passwords etc., but they can't erase files, or install harmful software using this technique... ? Unless they use the passwords and other data they find to gain further access to a computer system. Does that sound about right?

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted January 09, 2018
The joke's on them - I don't use any passwords.

I was told there would always be a bigger fish
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted January 09, 2018

In the case of virtual machines, they could even allow a program running in one to snoop on things in another, outside of its own virtual machine. This particular effect was mainly specific to Spectre but Meltdown could work on at least one virtualization implementation.
This is mainly an enterprise threat, but when javascript on webpages can steal your passwords, it's still really bad for users.

Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted January 09, 2018

I can't remember reading anything he wrote that didn't have smarmy dick factoring as a major component of it. Don't mistake this as a defense of a giant mega-corporation with verified anti-competitive actions under its belt.
all the normal day to day interaction that goes on in the linux development circles doesn't make it into the news.
you can't keep a project with the size of the linux kernel running smoothly if you are just an asshole all the time.

Old Fat User
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted January 09, 2018
What the hell happened to my links in the OP???? Godammit I know I had those links.
WTF did I screw up now? Damn it's gonna be hard finding those again. Thought I could come here and click on the links in my post but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo,,, there's only one link and it takes me to the damned GOG General Forums page.
Jeebus I really could screw up a one car parade.
WTF did I screw up now? Damn it's gonna be hard finding those again. Thought I could come here and click on the links in my post but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo,,, there's only one link and it takes me to the damned GOG General Forums page.
Jeebus I really could screw up a one car parade.

Old Fat User
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted January 09, 2018

WTF did I screw up now? Damn it's gonna be hard finding those again. Thought I could come here and click on the links in my post but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo,,, there's only one link and it takes me to the damned GOG General Forums page.
Jeebus I really could screw up a one car parade.
*edit* NM, I see you got the links fixed.
Post edited January 09, 2018 by GR00T