MarkServ: King:
I agree with the "snowflakes" (as you call them) tactics, seems right to me. companies are free to adopt the policies they wish, and potentially alienate someone, you cant please all, gog has to choose who they want to...
I assure you it's not gog's fault. And by boycotting, you are not "punishing" gog for catering to self-entitled lunatics, but you actually leave more room for them to occupy, with your absence; leaving them to their devices/machinations. If you keep doing your thing like normal, while trying to ignore their (pitiful) existence, you can even put some counter pressure against their lunacies!
And don't forget the hard working people at gog who have nothing to do with any freak whatsoever. I met a couple of them and i assure you, they were freaked out by those pathetic egotists and their absurd demands.