Atlo: I went into the official thread. There are some more few links for downloading. The requirement to register to download a torrent is indeed not very wise. :/
Yeah I saw those but wasn't keen on the options available.
Anyway, perseverance got me there in the end with Google Drive.
Smack me in the nuts, but the guide I linked to failed me, in that only the small EXE file would copy to my account, even though I freed up most of my 15 Gb. All the bin files would start to copy and then error out for some unknown reason, and Google being Google was lousy and gave no explanation.
I tried using a Google certified downloading app, but that had its own issues, no doubt due to Google.
I even enabled all cookies hoping that might help. But in the end I just logged out of Google Drive, thinking it might need refreshing. I could still access the files, but even logged out they gave me the quota error message.
What did help me, was a Download All option that showed up when I logged out. That downloaded the 6 files as 5 zipped files, one after the other. So now I have the game.