SmollestLight: Thank you for all the insight and the tickets! We will investigate the issue.
Thank you for replying. If it's of any help, here's a summary to pass onto your tech team:-
- A number of games backup installers have download errors where large .bin files that are supposed to be 1-4GB in size will stop downloading and be incorrectly marked as complete by the web browser after downloading the first 8MB. The abnormally truncated size always seems to be cut short at exactly 8,388,608 bytes.
- The issue was first noticed in Fallout 3 but many other games have been reported by multiple other people.
- Some languages are affected but not others. Eg, the German version of setup_fallout_3_1.7.0.3_(12034)-1.bin (Part 2 of 3) is 4GB as it should be, but the English version is falsely truncated to 8MB.
- Some platforms are affected but not others. Eg, I can download 11.4GB sized (SOMA for Linux) fine but 4GB sized setup_soma_1.61_(64bit)_(50360)-1.bin (SOMA Part 2 of 4) for Windows is falsely truncated to 8MB.
- Some games have a mix of working and broken files. Eg, for Deus Ex Human Revolution, I'm seeing parts 2 & 5 are broken (falsely truncated to 8MB) whilst parts 3 & 4 are working.
- Using a different web browser (Firefox vs Chrome) on a clean profile with no browser extensions makes no difference. Neither were recently updated / changed to different versions.
- Files were downloaded to a drive with NTFS file system (so it's not a "can't save +4GB file to FAT32" issue). The drive has hundreds of GB's of free space (enough for the files + temporary versions of them in the browser cache / temp folder).
- Comparing the contents of the first 8,388,608 bytes from a backup of the same files to the faulty 8,388,608 sized broken downloads ones shows them to be identical. So it's possible the full files are there, it's just how they're being served that's been broken.