Posted October 22, 2016

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted October 22, 2016
Post edited October 22, 2016 by Tallima

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted October 22, 2016
I brought it down. I have a factions issue. I'll bring it back up in a minute.

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Germany
Posted October 22, 2016
A wee bit of problems with my NVM

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted October 22, 2016
Game is up. Come one come all!

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Germany
Posted October 23, 2016
Thanks Tamilla!!!
And thanks to everyone! Was real fun!
And thanks to everyone! Was real fun!

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted October 23, 2016
It's over.
Choice - Chooser
1- Clisair - Earth 2160
2-GoodAltGamer - Legend of Kyrandia
3-GoodAltGamer - Door Kickers
4-Leonard - Declined to Take One
5-Clisair - Battle Realms
6-GoodAltGamer - Sunless Sea
7-Clisair - Praetorians
8-Leonard - declined to take one
Here's my notes for anyone who wants to see the story:
Innkeep: I'll tell you what. You and your lot can work for ME. I'll give you three square meals and you can even sleep in the extra bed in the kitchen when I'm not sleeping in it. When you're not sleeping, you're working. Is it a deal?
Inn Keeper: Zeb
16 other characters in the inn
Alfred-Rich. Scared to die, both of the storm and then of the undead.
Betty-Rich merchant, deals in unsavory things. She's a prime suspect, but she's not the necromancer. She claims she is missing a book, an evil tome that she didn't quite understand.
Charles-Merc -- they both wake up in the night as undead. 2nd attack.
Dalton-Merc -- they both wake up in the night as undead. 2nd attack.
Eliot-Halfing twins adopted by humans, tradesmen working for Alfred
Frank-Halfing twins adopted by humans, tradesmen working for Alfred
Grady-Caravan Guards - murdered in the back when he discovers that Hilton was evil.
Hilton-Caravan Guards - Has been reading the Book of Necromancy stolen from Betty and has an evil necromantic spirit living in him.
work partners:
Isaac-Ale merchant. Often drinking what he hauls, but his brew is not allowed inside. He must drink the innkeep's high-priced crap. And he lets everyone know.
James-Isaac's slave - the first to die. His life has little value to anyone except Isaac.
Kirk-Sailor -Kills himself from son's death.
Lance-Kirk's Young Son - body is found mutilated in the basement.
Manny-Soldiers passing through - disappear outside
Newton-Soldiers passing through - disappear outside
Olivia-Pilgrimage to the ocean, just to see it
Paul-Pilgrimage to the ocean, just to see it
Part 1: Meet characters. Do some work helping guests (and meeting them). One team goes down to get rid of rats.
Alfred is very scared.
Betty is very private.
The others talk kindly and openly.
Part 2: Everyone starts getting ready for bed except Manny and Newton. They stay up to tell their stories.
Manny: Evening. It's been a hell of a night.
<players interact. Manny and Newton ask what they've been up to>
Newton: We are soldiers of King Anton's special forces. We're not supposed to brag about it, but we're on our way back to Castle Antonia, where we will be given our leave and offered land to retire on.
Manny: We've seen enough blood and mind-twisting magic to last seven lives. It's good to be done.
<players can ask what they've seen>
Manny: We've battled many different forces. Military forces ten thousand strong and once even a single lich that would have given that big army a run for its money. Newton here is the one that actually found and destroyed his phylactery. Where was that hidden again?
Newton: His attic, of all places.
Part3 :
**A scream is heard from the 2nd floor**
James is a zombie and is attacking Isaac.
Everyone comes out of their rooms. Zeb is freaked out that this would happen in his inn. Manny and Newton speak up, saying that they believe this could be the work of a necromancer outside the city. Perhaps they are even creating the storm. They leave the inn together to stop the necromancer. They never return.
Part 4:
Most go back to bed. Alfred stays up, dagger in hand, waiting for death on the ground floor. Nothing seems to calm him. Everyone else goes back to bed. A short time later, Charles and Dalton are trying to break down Betty's door. They are zombies.
Players may ask why they were trying to get into Betty's room. They may find her evil goods. That's when she says her evil book was stolen. Players may do with her as they please.
The others go to their room, but nobody is sleeping. A few come downstairs to get a drink and then go back up.
Part 5:
Kirk shouts for help. Says his son is missing. He turned around and then back and Lance was just gone. He asks for helping looking for him. During the search, Grady is found murdered, stabbed with a common dagger in his back, going through his heart. Lance is found in the basement, systematically torn apart in some sort of ritual. <<special character sees the death -- intestines being spilled out, then his vena cava being cut open. The offender is spectral, like a ghost. But also, somehow a man. Child is found downstairs. They may find the book with the child.>>
Part 6:
Special player character is able to bend time where life meets death to observe a person's death. He sees Hilton do it, but Hilton is gone. The special character is able to use the book to learn a Shadowwalk spell -- a form of teleporting. He teleports the party to a chamber under the inn. It is the burial grounds of an ancient necromancer whose spirit has infiltrated Hilton's. They find Hilton, worn out but otherwise OK.
Hilton: I am so sorry. I stole Betty's book and was reading it. I didn't think it was real. But every time I read another page, I felt blacker, closer to an edge. Not an edge of sanity, exactly. But, an edge of mental... rigidity. Like, the edge of my own thoughts being my own. I felt it before, while on the road. But that feeling became more and more real as we travelled to this gods-forsaken town. And then, in the inn above. It was... it was horrible. But like Halfling Smoke, it was addictive. I had to read more. I HAD to. Do you understand? It wasn't that I that read the book. It was something else. And now, now I know. It wasn't me at all. It was Ytterbok, the necromancer's spirit. He lived in me. I knew it for a while, but I... I didn't believe. You know? You have no idea. You must think of me as a madman. But I tell you, when you aren't you, you can't believe it. You can't. You aren't... *He sighs, then looks intense* Make him pay. Make him pay for all he made me do.
The heroes enter the burial chambers of the ghost. They do some battle, but the ghost gets away.
The heroes are able to shadow walk back the inn, where they hear the necromancer outside. They go outside and battle in the hurricane.
Oivia/Paul Stairs Newton Manny
Lance/Kirk James/Isaac
Hilton/Grady Eliot/Frank
Alfred Charles/Dalton
Office Betty
Choice - Chooser
1- Clisair - Earth 2160
2-GoodAltGamer - Legend of Kyrandia
3-GoodAltGamer - Door Kickers
4-Leonard - Declined to Take One
5-Clisair - Battle Realms
6-GoodAltGamer - Sunless Sea
7-Clisair - Praetorians
8-Leonard - declined to take one
Here's my notes for anyone who wants to see the story:
Innkeep: I'll tell you what. You and your lot can work for ME. I'll give you three square meals and you can even sleep in the extra bed in the kitchen when I'm not sleeping in it. When you're not sleeping, you're working. Is it a deal?
Inn Keeper: Zeb
16 other characters in the inn
Alfred-Rich. Scared to die, both of the storm and then of the undead.
Betty-Rich merchant, deals in unsavory things. She's a prime suspect, but she's not the necromancer. She claims she is missing a book, an evil tome that she didn't quite understand.
Charles-Merc -- they both wake up in the night as undead. 2nd attack.
Dalton-Merc -- they both wake up in the night as undead. 2nd attack.
Eliot-Halfing twins adopted by humans, tradesmen working for Alfred
Frank-Halfing twins adopted by humans, tradesmen working for Alfred
Grady-Caravan Guards - murdered in the back when he discovers that Hilton was evil.
Hilton-Caravan Guards - Has been reading the Book of Necromancy stolen from Betty and has an evil necromantic spirit living in him.
work partners:
Isaac-Ale merchant. Often drinking what he hauls, but his brew is not allowed inside. He must drink the innkeep's high-priced crap. And he lets everyone know.
James-Isaac's slave - the first to die. His life has little value to anyone except Isaac.
Kirk-Sailor -Kills himself from son's death.
Lance-Kirk's Young Son - body is found mutilated in the basement.
Manny-Soldiers passing through - disappear outside
Newton-Soldiers passing through - disappear outside
Olivia-Pilgrimage to the ocean, just to see it
Paul-Pilgrimage to the ocean, just to see it
Part 1: Meet characters. Do some work helping guests (and meeting them). One team goes down to get rid of rats.
Alfred is very scared.
Betty is very private.
The others talk kindly and openly.
Part 2: Everyone starts getting ready for bed except Manny and Newton. They stay up to tell their stories.
Manny: Evening. It's been a hell of a night.
<players interact. Manny and Newton ask what they've been up to>
Newton: We are soldiers of King Anton's special forces. We're not supposed to brag about it, but we're on our way back to Castle Antonia, where we will be given our leave and offered land to retire on.
Manny: We've seen enough blood and mind-twisting magic to last seven lives. It's good to be done.
<players can ask what they've seen>
Manny: We've battled many different forces. Military forces ten thousand strong and once even a single lich that would have given that big army a run for its money. Newton here is the one that actually found and destroyed his phylactery. Where was that hidden again?
Newton: His attic, of all places.
Part3 :
**A scream is heard from the 2nd floor**
James is a zombie and is attacking Isaac.
Everyone comes out of their rooms. Zeb is freaked out that this would happen in his inn. Manny and Newton speak up, saying that they believe this could be the work of a necromancer outside the city. Perhaps they are even creating the storm. They leave the inn together to stop the necromancer. They never return.
Part 4:
Most go back to bed. Alfred stays up, dagger in hand, waiting for death on the ground floor. Nothing seems to calm him. Everyone else goes back to bed. A short time later, Charles and Dalton are trying to break down Betty's door. They are zombies.
Players may ask why they were trying to get into Betty's room. They may find her evil goods. That's when she says her evil book was stolen. Players may do with her as they please.
The others go to their room, but nobody is sleeping. A few come downstairs to get a drink and then go back up.
Part 5:
Kirk shouts for help. Says his son is missing. He turned around and then back and Lance was just gone. He asks for helping looking for him. During the search, Grady is found murdered, stabbed with a common dagger in his back, going through his heart. Lance is found in the basement, systematically torn apart in some sort of ritual. <<special character sees the death -- intestines being spilled out, then his vena cava being cut open. The offender is spectral, like a ghost. But also, somehow a man. Child is found downstairs. They may find the book with the child.>>
Part 6:
Special player character is able to bend time where life meets death to observe a person's death. He sees Hilton do it, but Hilton is gone. The special character is able to use the book to learn a Shadowwalk spell -- a form of teleporting. He teleports the party to a chamber under the inn. It is the burial grounds of an ancient necromancer whose spirit has infiltrated Hilton's. They find Hilton, worn out but otherwise OK.
Hilton: I am so sorry. I stole Betty's book and was reading it. I didn't think it was real. But every time I read another page, I felt blacker, closer to an edge. Not an edge of sanity, exactly. But, an edge of mental... rigidity. Like, the edge of my own thoughts being my own. I felt it before, while on the road. But that feeling became more and more real as we travelled to this gods-forsaken town. And then, in the inn above. It was... it was horrible. But like Halfling Smoke, it was addictive. I had to read more. I HAD to. Do you understand? It wasn't that I that read the book. It was something else. And now, now I know. It wasn't me at all. It was Ytterbok, the necromancer's spirit. He lived in me. I knew it for a while, but I... I didn't believe. You know? You have no idea. You must think of me as a madman. But I tell you, when you aren't you, you can't believe it. You can't. You aren't... *He sighs, then looks intense* Make him pay. Make him pay for all he made me do.
The heroes enter the burial chambers of the ghost. They do some battle, but the ghost gets away.
The heroes are able to shadow walk back the inn, where they hear the necromancer outside. They go outside and battle in the hurricane.
Oivia/Paul Stairs Newton Manny
Lance/Kirk James/Isaac
Hilton/Grady Eliot/Frank
Alfred Charles/Dalton
Office Betty
Post edited October 28, 2016 by Tallima

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted October 29, 2016
All games have been delivered. I had a lot of fun, I hope you all did too.

New User
Registered: Oct 2014
From Germany
Posted October 29, 2016
Thank you Tallima!!!!!
And if you want to do it (again) just for fun, fine with me! ;)
Maybe, just maybe I will not get slaughtered first!
*looking at Clisair*
And if you want to do it (again) just for fun, fine with me! ;)
Maybe, just maybe I will not get slaughtered first!
*looking at Clisair*

Happily ALIVE!
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States