A fun time was had by all.
Clisair was the clear better player. Clisair gathered many great pieces of equipment including invisibility potions and throwing weapons.
Goodaltgamer was attacked early in the game by several fire beetles, setting him on the run. He didn't have time to gather materials until he outran a few beetles. By the time he met Clisair by chance, a few throwing darts took him down like butter.
Meanwhile, Leonard had found a few items protected by enchantments of cold and fire. He was able to get proper armor, a handful of useful potions, and good sturdy weapon.
However, Clisair found some portals that led to a massive cache of magical weapons and armor. With this equipment, Clisair would be a sure victor. But a fire beetle protected the equipment. And with an unfortunate roll of the dice (a 1, an 8 and a couple 2 or 3s), the beetle devoured Clisair and left Leonard the victor.
I had some significant connection issues that we had to work through that took a full hour and then the team also played through a 1/10th completed quest, so I decided that all 3 would be awarded a game.
#1. Leonard
#2. Clisair
#3. Goodaltgamer
And next week, there will be treasures to find and treasures to win!
Good luck!