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high rated

I normally don't get very political, but this greatly concerns me. I'd also like to ask gog to officially come out against this as they did with SOPA years ago.
haydenaurion: I normally don't get very political, but this greatly concerns me. I'd also like to ask gog to officially come out against this as they did with SOPA years ago.
I looked at your profile pic, then at the text again, and ROFLed :)

Edit: +1, GOG should stand up. TPP is to people, what DRM is to software.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Lin545
I wonder how long is going to take before some of those morons proclaim themself a god ; )

Make it illegal to unlock, modify, or generally tinker with a device you own. (Article QQ.G.10)
Makes me seriously laugh, can't even flush a water without tweaking a flusher.
Who's feeding those parasites anyway? Do they do something useful? Working in toothpick factory?
Agreed. Stand against the TPP.

The TPP was negotiated in secret solely for the benefit of multinational corporations. It's only thanks to WikiLeaks that we even know about things like the intellectual property rights chapter, or that the TPP allows corporations to sue governments in an extrajudiciary tribunal for 'loss of future profits'.

Another big one being currently negotiated in secret is TISA, another globalist pact for the benefit of MNC's but this time focusing on service industries.
When heads of state sign a treaty that mandates they effect particular legislation in their country as a mater of contract; and thereby more or less tries to bypass the common citizen; you would have reason to be worried. There are many other draconian ultra authoritarian stuff in there as well. And hope to Cthulhu none of contains ''Reasonable'' and ''Reasonably high'' when describing amounts / volumes.
Well that does not sound good.
Submit to DRM-inlaid underwear!
haydenaurion: I normally don't get very political, but this greatly concerns me. I'd also like to ask gog to officially come out against this as they did with SOPA years ago.
Lin545: I looked at your profile pic, then at the text again, and ROFLed :)

Edit: +1, GOG should stand up. TPP is to people, what DRM is to software.
Yeah, I probably should have changed my profile pic, lol.
End anonymity online by forcing every domain name to be associated with a real name and address. (Article QQ.C.12)
The only useful way to really use this one, is to control/stop trolling; And perhaps to stop DDOS attacks.

Anyways, it isn't a surprise the TPP contains SOPA, they've been trying to get SOPA in for a while now.

It's sorta unfortunate that so many bad bills are being passed, but with people having less money and having to work more in order to get by, people have less time to stand up to the oppression. Rinse and repeat...

More and more i wish i had super powers... then i'd probably make a scene, and get things fixed in a hurry.
United States
New Zealand

These are the countries involved. But make no mistake, this will effect any country that deals with them. Plus there is a lot of world wide content produced in these places.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is one of the most dangerous agreements to come along in a long time. Negotiated in secrecy and away from any kind of transparency, this agreement circumvents many rights that these countries' people have in the name of big business. We only have this information because of WikiLeaks. That alone should raise some serious red flags.

Regardless of what copyright/patent laws any of these countries have, the TPP will essentially replace them. Its bad news all around if the TPP becomes ratified in its current state. The agreement is simply too broad and overbearing. This is far worse than SOPA because this is a dozen countries trying to effect copyright law for the rest of the world. It must be stopped, or at the very least, significantly altered to give rights back to the common user.
There are more third-world countries proposed to be added to the TPP in the future: Colombia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India.

Expect lower environmental standards, lower wages, and exported jobs.
Post edited October 17, 2015 by TDP
Outrider42: Canada
United States
New Zealand
if it's any good news, asian countries are horribly bad at enforcing any laws. it's an open(but denied) secret that singapoor has been a hotbed for tax evasion and money laundering for decades now .even if TPP is signed, it's very likely the asian countries excluding japan will exit the deal due to rampant corruption and fraud.
TDP: or that the TPP allows corporations to sue governments in an extrajudiciary tribunal for 'loss of future profits'.
wouldn't that make MNCs more powerful than a dictator in his own country? i don't know how any government would allow that or be willing to pay up.
So, in the future we will have some mix of Orwell's 1984 and Shadowrun. Just without magic, Orks, Trolls and Elves. Corporations that fuck you over if you you raise your voice with concerns, a state who is nothing more than an executing arm for the corporations to silence and keep citizens in line.

All is Violent, All is Bright

Sometimes I think the Punks of the 70s/80s were the true visionaries of the future we will face.
Post edited October 17, 2015 by MaGo72
Our upcoming election will decide if Canada will support tpp , if American asslicker harper gets elected we are in for tpp and if the other two get elected we will still probably end up with tpp eventually as we are top capitalist country
Im in