dtgreene: I hear that Digital Devil Saga has a nasty optional boss called Hitoshura. I have not fought him, but from what I hear, that battle is ridiculous.
Yes, Hitoshura, the main character and Demi-fiend from SMT: Nocturne. I never ran into him, I think he may have been a new game+ boss. I also hear Satan from DDS2 is really hard too.
Breja: FTL- Lady Luck doesn't love me, so a game where so much depends on random chance is a tough nut for me.
I don't think it's just you, tough boss. I deduced that you should spend as much time as possible in every sector fighting as much as you can and leveling up before the federation front line catches up, then move to the next sector.
Weapons platform, fight it for parts and level up your ship. Two ships fighting, side with one and fight the other, parts from the destroyed ship and parts for the reward. Something warning you away, attack it. You should take advantage of the easier first sectors to engage as much as possible. Engines are really important because they give you evasion.
Just sayin if you ever feel like trying again, less luck and more being a completely brutal space pirate. Which is oddly the complete opposite of how a Star Trek captain would operate.
Devil May Cry 3 - Virgil He's a brutal bastard at the best of times, and he's really quick. And he only gets worse when he gets lightening claws and demon form.
It was a epic demon brother showdown, tip toeing over water mirroring each others moves, transforming into demons at the same time. The Sons of Sparda locked in an eternal struggle.