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Gnostic: I wonder if he can improve this chances with a diet of less acidic food.
Lin545: obesity, alcohol, smoking, stress, depression, lack of sleep, teflon, genetic defects, heavy metals, radiation, CTD(HPV etc), etc. there is a crapload of factors nearly all close the eyes upon.
You might even get lucky and have a slapdash navy dumping radioactive waste into the environment near a fairly populated area of the country.
MichaelPalin: even if you overcome it, you know it will come back eventually
I wouldn't totally agree with that.
Cancer sucks!

I hope you live a long long time. The world would be a lesser place without you around.
Really sad news, indeed. Terrible. I hope for the best for him, and anyone else fighting this damn disease.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Azrael360
My good friend was diagnosed with this same affliction just over two years ago. She's still with us, but it's looking like Christmas will be a long shot. Fucking horrible disease. My thoughts and sympathies go out to TB.
Cancer is fucking evil. I know way too many people who had it.

Good luck TB.
I read about this yesterday and died a little inside. How karma works is just fucked up. Transplant not an option, 2-3 years to live, and chemo for the rest of his life so it doesn't spread to his other organs. He is one of the few reviewers with any integrity and always has a rational and balanced opinion on everything. He's had SJWs and other polished turds trying to bring him down his whole career but that just proves he was above them from the beginning. Best of luck and hope, and somehow he manages to fight this off for as long as possible.
I was happy when he was cleared of cancer not too long back. Got depressed when I read this terrible news. Hope he fights it with everything he's got. He's a great Youtuber and I watch his stuff regularly. Keep fighting!
Sad to hear, but I'm not about to get all morose about it like he's already dead. I trust our beloved biscuit of totality to not give up without a hell of a fight, like some kind of unstoppable anti-cancer berserker savagely cutting his way through doctors' life expectancy predictions.

Best of luck, TB. Show no mercy.
Elmofongo: When I read where exactly is his cancer I felt like I had a pain in my lower belly that I think is my liver area.

Damn probably the greatest video game reviewer and advocate of PC gaming is going to leave us for all eternity in a few years.
That could be any number of things that aren't significant. I suppose it could also be something significant, so no harm in asking a doctor.

I've got pain in that area that comes and goes. For me, it's probably the gallbladder, it's mostly a problem when I'm eating too many carbs in my diet and not eating enough fat. It goes away when I stop eating sugary crap.

I'm sure there's other possibilities, but the likelihood of having liver cancer is rather low. That is, unless you're an alcoholic or have been doing things that are hard on the liver. In TB's case, those spots are probably just cancer cells that broke off from the tumor they were treating. Which is an unfortunate problem with treating cancer, sometimes that happens at which point it becomes extremely hard to treat.
MaximumBunny: I don't get why a liver transplant isn't an option if someone could explain that. "Spots on liver" , "Unremovable spots" - but liver is removable. :o
Sachys: The liver is one of the most resilient parts of your body - it can fully regenerate from less than 25% of its whole - yet having a secondary cancer there means it has spread throughout the body and it is only a matter of time before cancers crop up elsewhere. Secondarily, the treatment required to firstly weaken the cancer enough to make operation a viable thing damage the very areas that will be required to work efficiently after a replacement op.
Thirdly, he'll be on reduced NHS treatment thanks to our govt.

Source: prior experience. Might have squiffed it a bit, but kinda "off" now as same thing happened to my dad.
That's technically true, but a lot of people misunderstand it. The liver doesn't truly regenerate. It performs a form of regeneration, but if it's damaged too severely or you lose parts of it, those won't grow back.

I always wondered why they didn't take a piece and regrow it, and that's why. It's because damaged pieces can frequently heal, but scarred or missing pieces are gone forever.

Or at least at this time, perhaps a medical advance will change that.
MaximumBunny: I don't get why a liver transplant isn't an option if someone could explain that. "Spots on liver" , "Unremovable spots" - but liver is removable. :o
Because he didn't have liver cancer to start. That means that the cancer has spread from the original location. If it were just the liver, his odds would be a lot better. Getting a liver is rather tough due to the generally poor quality of livers in general. Between infections and obesity, it's tough to get transplant-worthy livers.

Anybody that cares about him or people in general should seriously consider signing up to donate and keeping themselves in reasonable shape. Obesity, drugs and excessive medication are killers as far as the liver goes.

In his case, a liver transplant isn't going to make a difference, but for others it could.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by hedwards
That sucks, I have always found him to be an articulate and insightful commentator.
Sorry to hear. I wish him all the best.
Rather than getting into an opinionated debate about individual lifestyle choices, I think we can all agree that nobody deserves cancer and this disease needs to get eradicated. Most of us have probably already lost someone to it, and it's likely some of us are trying to support someone fighting it right this minute. I wish TB all the strength and support he needs to pull through, like I would anyone in his predicament.
It is unfortunate, wish him the best. Grandfather died from metastasized cancer. Though in that case, lungs were the final. However, all things considered he has at least as reasonable a chance as anyone can hope for in this situation. Bounce back, Cynical Brit.
MichaelPalin: even if you overcome it, you know it will come back eventually
tinyE: I wouldn't totally agree with that.
I guess it is not always true, but I understand that once you have overcome a cancer, the probability to have it again eventually is very high, isn't it?