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monkeydelarge: Maybe he just doesn't want to catch any STDs?
Oh, stop with that. If that's the case then if she doesn't have a STD then she's done him no harm. Most people in western societies marry others with sexual experience, and very few of them have STD's (and those who do tend to know it).

And who's to say that a sexually experienced woman is more likely to cheat? Do you have proof of that? From what I read, women mostly cheat because they feel under-appreciated or ignored.

All these excuses for wanting a virgin are just that. He wants a virgin because of his beliefs, nothing more. It's entirely possible that his belief will also make the woman feel unappreciated and end up cheating, and perhaps he thinks that if she's a virgin she'll be more likely to suffer in silence. Sounds fair?
hedwards: I don't think you understand the concept here. We can't scan every cell in the body to see that it's within acceptable limits.
Read this.
monkeydelarge: You need to stop hating men and look at every person as a human being, no matter what kind of genitals they have.
You're saying I need to make love to men too? Feeling lonely?
Post edited October 19, 2015 by ET3D
hedwards: I don't think you understand the concept here. We can't scan every cell in the body to see that it's within acceptable limits.
ET3D: Read this.
That doesn't really address the problem. This sort of thing is a replacement for chemotherapy, surgery and similar procedures. But, you can't use it until the cancer has been discovered.

Ultimately, you need enough cancerous cells to survive in order to be detected as cancer and treated. It would be unethical to inject people with that sort of stuff that are not known to have cancer.

I'm not really sure how this kind of targeting allows you to get around having enough cells to detect the cancer.
Lin545: Get laid already.
Why does it matter whether I have gotten "laid" or not? That's personally what I find disgusting about Western "slut culture", young males are demonized for not having sex as early as possible, "virgin" is commonly used as an insult. Especially when as you point out, STD's in the youth population are alarmingly commonplace nowadays.
Post edited October 19, 2015 by Crosmando
Lin545: Get laid already.
Crosmando: Why does it matter whether I have gotten "laid" or not? That's personally what I find disgusting about Western "slut culture", young males are demonized for not having sex as early as possible, "virgin" is commonly used as an insult. Especially when as you point out, STD's in the youth population are alarmingly commonplace nowadays.
Slut culture... what?
high rated
Crosmando: Why does it matter whether I have gotten "laid" or not? That's personally what I find disgusting about Western "slut culture", young males are demonized for not having sex as early as possible, "virgin" is commonly used as an insult. Especially when as you point out, STD's in the youth population are alarmingly commonplace nowadays.
Elenarie: Slut culture... what?
With utmost respect, this thread is created to be positive, for people wishing the best for someone fight with cancer.

Let us not derail this thread with infighting and negativity.

While it is the right of everyone to post anywhere they like, it would be respectful to take the negative conversation to the thread wpegg already created.
Post edited October 19, 2015 by Gnostic
I don't routinely follow him on youtube, but have watched some of his videos and liked them, and this is some seriously bad news. I really hope he pulls through. Cancer is a cunt, there are no two ways about it. It's downright scary how many get it, even young people, children. My own grandmother has it, and the outcome is looking bleak indeed :( Keep fighting Biscuit man, and beat this thing!
Crosmando: Why does it matter whether I have gotten "laid" or not? That's personally what I find disgusting about Western "slut culture", young males are demonized for not having sex as early as possible, "virgin" is commonly used as an insult. Especially when as you point out, STD's in the youth population are alarmingly commonplace nowadays.
Well, I agree with you on this one.
monkeydelarge: snip
My answer to your post:
fr33kSh0w2012: A) NO sugar.
And more importantly NO artificial sweeteners.
Post edited October 19, 2015 by 0Grapher
sasuke12: monkeydelarge is dishing out pure logic and truth here.

After reading his posts I'm like...
What an awesome post! XD
tort1234: You got into a debate with monkeylarge and lost. deal with it.
Just out of curiousity: Why do you think he lost the debate?
[Edited out an insult]
Post edited October 19, 2015 by 0Grapher
Gnostic: With utmost respect, this thread is created to be positive, for people wishing the best for someone fight with cancer.

Let us not derail this thread with infighting and negativity.

While it is the right of everyone to post anywhere they like, it would be respectful to take the negative conversation to the thread wpegg already created.
It is very disrespectful. This thread should be about support and encouragement, maybe we're weird for expecting that.
Anyone hit by this horrible decease deserves all the support they can get.
Really bad news, I like his videos and comments. Hope he does as well as possible.
I hope we do not have to "miss him"

All the best TB.

Regards MarkL
This is really sad :(
I don't know what to say, but, I wish him the best, and same for his family and people he love.
hedwards: That doesn't really address the problem. This sort of thing is a replacement for chemotherapy, surgery and similar procedures. But, you can't use it until the cancer has been discovered.
That's quite normal. You don't take antibiotics until a disease has been discovered (and assumed to be treatable by antibiotics).

If (after cancer is detected) such therapy can be used effectively to kill cancer cells, that would be a huge boon to cancer survival. Couple that with better detection technologies, and it will be even better. (For example, have a dog sniff your cancer.)

hedwards: Ultimately, you need enough cancerous cells to survive in order to be detected as cancer and treated. It would be unethical to inject people with that sort of stuff that are not known to have cancer.
I think that's certainly a possible direction of where we'll go. Some tens of years from now artificial antibodies will be resident in our body and scan it for diseases and then administer a treatment or (if they can't) alert us to the problem.
Rats are in on the act too with a different kind of TB.

hedwards: I saw an awesome car this morning. , and boy are those awesome to look at. I can't imagine their safe, 3 wheeled cars usually have significant stability problems.
Unfortunately it has a $20k price tag which is ironic that vehicles similar to that* and motorbikes were cheap transport for the common man in the olden days but are now overpriced toys.

Spectre: Rats are in on the act too with a different kind of TB.

hedwards: I saw an awesome car this morning. , and boy are those awesome to look at. I can't imagine their safe, 3 wheeled cars usually have significant stability problems.
Spectre: Unfortunately it has a $20k price tag which is ironic that vehicles similar to that* and motorbikes were cheap transport for the common man in the olden days but are now overpriced toys.

The reason they're no longer common is that they're hard to make safe. They tend to flip over rather easily.