Telika: Case closed in your eyes because you arbitrarily reduce their relarionship to a merchant exchange. His little moronic religious fantasy (supposed to define everything on his side, which makes him a cretin) versus her calculation (muhaha i got a marriage paid for and a housewife salary uargh uargh). You know absolutely nothing of the link that he has decided was less important than his fundamentalist taboos.
monkeydelarge: Unfortunately in this world, money is very important. And so is time. When people scam you out of those two things, they did something very harmful to you. Maybe he only assaulted her because of being denied his fantasy but what she did was really wrong.
For all you know, "what she did" may have been concealing a historical stigma which would have been too determining in the eyes of an imbecile with whom the relationship was otherwise worthwhile. And you know nothing of this relationship, and what had established it. You only endorse the idea that the woman's past life is indeed what defines this relation (the element which, as in the eyes of the religious nut, makes it all-or-nothing), and make the rest a financial calculation.
You could also see it from a different perspective: maybe the cretin's reaction justifies her lie in the first place, as an attempt to valuate what they had (and objectively mattered) and not let a stupid symbolic detail (his obsession with her having known other people before him of not) ruin something valuable.
Again, a bias determines the univocal default interpretation, and the spontaneously re-created narrative, here.
monkeydelarge: I never said she is a whore. Just a scam artist.
Basically, yes, the underlying "she was a whore therefore she is a whore" underlies your point, in validating her lie as all-defining, in validating his reaction as righteous self-defense, and in assuming the nature of her calculations (scam, all of it wasted for nothing, etc).
If the secret and the guy's obsession had been about another type of stigma, your assumptions and interpretations might have been different.