Nergal01: Hmm...anybody else having this problem?
I'm trying to create an account on the new Torment website, but I'm not getting the confimation email. Tried it with two separate mail accounts. No luck so far. : /
Got the same problem.
As for the game, I'm pretty sure I'll back it, but I have my doubts that it will be a worthy successor to Torment in my mind. I'm sure it will be better than Project Eternity in this respect, but I'm not sure it this setting can support the sense of wonder than the Planescape setting evoked.
The great thing about Planescape: Torment, and what grabbed me so well (until the annoying combat broke the spell) was that even though the game was moored in D&D rules, everything was so out of the ordinary. From the concept of the The Nameless One and progressing the story through death, the companions, the quests, features like the living Alley of Lingering Sighs, all that kind of stuff. Plus the writing (the very fact that I actually remember a line from the game "I was said to have a heart of gold... small, hard and yellow"), the idea that you could answer dialogues with the same answer but different intentions...
I don't want the same thing, but I want something which will cause me the same feeling of "I haven't seen all this before". Kind of like seeing Terminator 2 for the first time, or anything else which just caused me to go "wow, that's new" and not just "hey, that's a pretty neat take" (or worse "that's okay but they're just trying too hard").