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Moonbeam: Really good idea:)
Thanks .
Back when the nasty giveaway was viable (when people weren't geared up to scam it), I had fun making people betray others. How about, "buy x games, get the opportunity to randomly swap with someone else buying the same number of games (but potentially different value) at roughly the same time". Everyone would start buying low cost games to scam the system, and GOG would absolutely rake it in by the increased sales of really low value titles that nobody really wants.
Play GoG War: Win a War Game Sale*

Yes sirree folks! Come on down to and play a game of the classic cardgame War against the house. Experience the excitement of pressing a single button repeatedly hundreds of times! Revel in the auditory pleasure of 8-bit sound! "Beep" and "Boop" your way to victory while pressing 1111111111!

Come seize your chance to win a (small discount on a) strategy wargame, and do it by ironically playing a game that involves no strategy at all!

*Note, winners do not actually receive a game for free, just a discounted sale price.
Please don't keep encouraging gog to do more stupid, gimmicky sales.
serpantino: Please don't keep encouraging gog to do more stupid, gimmicky sales.
I miss the days when GOG's weird promos were actually kind of fun. But, that's been a long time and they seem to be too lazy to spend the time thinking things through.

OTOH, now that most of the promos suck, it's a lot easier to choose not to buy anything, so I guess I shouldn't complain.
hedwards: ...
I miss the days when GOG's weird promos were actually kind of fun. ...
can you name some of that sales? i guess they happened before 2013?
I'm all for savings on sales, and the last couple have been kind of gimmicky, so I'll go with a $5 sale. Yes, every single game on the site is $5... they could do a insomnia thing and flash it by real quick, say 5 hours/days. The 5 for 5 sale, something like that. At 5 bucks a pop, they'd lose out per sale on the higher priced games, but think of the sale volume!
hedwards: ...
I miss the days when GOG's weird promos were actually kind of fun. ...
apehater: can you name some of that sales? i guess they happened before 2013?
This is why I hate Google, finding that information is nearly impossible as they just want to show new stuff.

I'll take a look, but my memory of when various sales happened is rather poor, I mostly remember the more recent ones being exploitative and rather insulting.
hedwards: This is why I hate Google, finding that information is nearly impossible as they just want to show new stuff.

I'll take a look, but my memory of when various sales happened is rather poor, I mostly remember the more recent ones being exploitative and rather insulting.
The DRM-free Time Machine Sale ?
hedwards: This is why I hate Google, finding that information is nearly impossible as they just want to show new stuff.

I'll take a look, but my memory of when various sales happened is rather poor, I mostly remember the more recent ones being exploitative and rather insulting.
Painted_Doll: The DRM-free Time Machine Sale ?
IMHO, that one was a near miss. The idea was great, but it was a stupid idea of them not to have a day or two at the end for people to buy the games that they missed. They wouldn't even have to give the same discount at the end.

Of the promos of the last few years that was probably the best idea they had, but they haven't tried it again and they were very close to something great.

I personally resent promos where I'm expected to stay up all night and not go to work in case I miss something. In that case, I wound up missing the only games that I was interested in because I didn't know the promo was coming and by the time I woke up and saw the announcement, I already missed what I wanted.

The insomnia one was hugely exploitative bullshit that's not appropriate for the store. Free games that were so meagerly rationed that the only way to get one was to click on the link before the previous one expired, hoping that you would get one of the tiny number of copies available.

Needing to stay up all night and log in from work to get in on it just made matters worse.

Same goes with those gambling promos. If the game you get isn't one you want, then you're more or less screwed. You have to find somebody to trade with to get something you wanted. And if you bought at the wrong time the games you wanted might not even be available.

EDIT: I forgot, I suppose you could just ask for a refund if it's a game you don't want, under their guarantee, but that doesn't seem terribly fun either.
Post edited November 01, 2015 by hedwards
hedwards: This is why I hate Google, finding that information is nearly impossible as they just want to show new stuff.
Do you realize that you can just set a time range in the options? -_-'
hedwards: This is why I hate Google, finding that information is nearly impossible as they just want to show new stuff.
phaolo: Do you realize that you can just set a time range in the options? -_-'
Nope, I tend to avoid using Google, I'm not sure if DDG has that. I'll give Google a try then.

I'll try that because I'd genuinely like to know if my memory is at fault here or if it's just a comparison thing. I haven't seen a sale here in quite a while that made me excited to wait to see what games were coming up.
hedwards: snip
How about another Big Fall Sale ?
Post edited November 01, 2015 by Painted_Doll
hedwards: ...
I miss the days when GOG's weird promos were actually kind of fun. ...
apehater: can you name some of that sales? i guess they happened before 2013?
Perhaps this is just a matter of memory, there's been a small number of interesting promos from back then.

I guess, I'll have to chalk this up to how horrible the promos have been the last couple years and how heavily the promos depend upon the games themselves.

That time machine one was fairly interesting, but they didn't have a wrap up to let people buy the games they missed and haven't done it again.

The holiday sales themselves have gotten a bit too long to really maintain my interest. It's great that they have them and they aren't bad sales, but they go on for ever and it's hard to justify buying anything early on in case there's something better that comes a long later.
I read "gambling porno".