Mr.Caine: Love seeing the tears of triggered braindead conservative gamer children here. Wonder how many of them would have stormed the capitol if their parents would have unlocked the basement that day.
Hey, I'm actually anarchist and this fake communist shit doesn't please me at all.
Not to mention this braindead/brainwashed new generation who claim to oppose big evil corporations yet loot and burn small businesses. Claim to oppose monopolistic evil capitlism yet support mandatory vaccinations that no corporation can be held liable for. Not to mention supporting lockdowns that really mean locking down small businesses and taking away peoples livelihood while big chains can operate without any limitations.
Everyone saying that there is no real comminst country and China and North Korea are not really communist (which I don't really argue against) yet support police state and government measures that are far worse than China or N-Korea ever would imagine.
I'm embarrased to live in these times where real anarchism (or communism for that matter) are turned into commercial products while people themselves don't even know what or what against they are fighting for. After all, it's hard to fight against "evil capitalism" if you have supported it with your wallet your entire life. It's utterly hypocritical.
Downvote my comment all you (not you personally but the childish hord that have been downvoting good comments in this thread) want. It won't make you grow up nor will it change society for any better.