pmcollectorboy: Those reviews are more than a little snarky.
I'm willing to bet you "what is this commie crap" people were perfectly fine when the oh so "back the blue" righties were swarming, mobbing, and stomping on cops in their own failed little riot simply because they couldn't stand losing an election.
VBProject: Surely "not my president" rallies in 2016-17 were better and Summer of Peace 2020 was great.
Walking into empty government building is surely a terrorism and a "tHreAt To DemOcRacY" unlike burning hundreds of people businesses and houses.
People always ignore the dozens of people that were murdered in addition to the burning and looting. Also the hundreds of additional people that were murdered because of defunding the police, and the DAs releasing violent criminals.
Antifa has it's origin as the militant group of a Stalinist communist party in the Weimar Republic during the worst years of Holodomor. Somehow while being a neo-nazi is completely unacceptable by everyone (which is should be), being a neo-stalinist is completely acceptable. Waving the flag of the country that killed 10s of millions, and of the belief that's killed more than any other is acceptable.
But, keep pushing for more prejudice and division, pretending you're doing the opposite. Keep pushing for more state control, and more unjust prosecution, because that'll definitely won't cause mass tragedy this time /s