morolf: Ok, you've got kind of a point...never been good at business games though :-)
Anyway, my point was, I actually very much doubt there are tons of games who deliberately promote conservative or reactionary values, like this game does apparently promote far left views. The games you mentioned mostly don't seem overly political to me tbh (or at least not in that sense).
squid830: I think the reason most people don't notice the more "conservative value" games, is because conservatives don't seem to feel the need to be so in-your-face about the whole thing.
Part of the reason is that most of those games wouldn't have been designed from the outset to "send a message" or be political, so any politics in them would be more subtle.
Also, conservative values are often considered "standard" or "normal", so they don't stand out.
Example: any military-type strategy/action/rpg which doesn't feature disproportionate amount of "strong wymen" characters, where the plot is primarily about defeating an enemy, and all battles are unambiguously "justified", the enemy are all definitely "bad guys" - that's at least partially conservative. Bonus conservative points if there are missions/plot points about deserters being considered "weak" and/or traitors (especially if your character is involved in meting out justice).
Unfortunately a lot of games that do the above distort things by then adding out-of-place characters to the mix - e.g. lots of women warriors for a game set in 1500s or something - but personally those half-assed nods to lefties don't usually detract from the game despite that.
Of course the best games are those true RPGs or strategy games where the player has actual choices about which direction to go in. Examples: Suzerain (unique political strategy/novel - not for everyone), Expeditions: Conquistadors (you can choose to lead a band of racists and slaughter natives and heathens in the New World - one of the options for a Healer is a racist nun).
Honestly, the irony is the more right stuff often has lefty stuff injected. Let's be clear, Geralt of Rivia is pretty right by today's standards. I know of a game right now that seems to be getting alot of flack from the left over a joke about choosing your sex (not gender) in a game where it berates you for not choosing male or female, but the dev is clearly so outside of the west that the fact it would be significant is totally lost on them. It was obviously a joke on development expectations, but obviously the far-left views it as transphobia and everyone else is cheering at the jab. And, yes, i actually have the game in it's original japanese, which is how i knew to check up on the shitstorm in english to understand it's nothing more than a shitstorm.
kohlrak: I have another take on this that i've recently begun discussing in another board on another site. I believe the lack of respect for others is a result of childhood neglect resulting from post-WW2 policies. The fact that the people doing the most fighting and most outrage are seeking the most attention at all times is a huge red flag for this. Individualism has been around for a while coupled with a lack of education, and it's only now looking like this. This is also the only time in history where the majority of the peoplation either don't know their fathers or have the majority of women working or to addicted to something to spend time with the child in their house. It's very obvious this started with the boomers.
squid830: Interesting.
With the recent wave of child-care-raised children in my country increasing rapidly, I've been wondering for a while how messed up they'll get.
IMO it's the lack of education that's the worst. It's not that education doesn't exist - it's a combination of the general public not actually respecting knowledge and education, and teachers in educational institutions becoming both more radical and less qualified as time goes on. Then on top of that you have administrators, guided by morons, messing with the system further.
It doesn't help when radical teachers decide to all take a day off so they can force their students to protest with them on some bullshit environmental issue or something.
The only thing that came to my mind. Best part is i was only thinking of the refrain, then realized the rest actually applied, too.