Mr.Mumbles: Aren't you a ray of sunshine? Not everyone fulfilled their duty due to patriotism. I certainly didn't and I was still part of the whole Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom nonsense.
I do agree that some people's glorification of military personnel borders on the absurd with all the "hero" crap being thrown around. What's funny is that most that have served don't really enjoy that kind of false praise.
Look, don't get me wrong, I have no intention of denigrating US servicemen (at least the vast majority of them) as war criminals or something of the sort, and I can respect it when people joined the military out of patriotism after 9/11 (I still think the Afghan war was justified in its origins). Caring for veterans' interests in matters like help with disabilities, ptsd etc. is commendable, if used for that veterans' day is fine. If it's used to glorify every military intervention the US has entered by choice in the last few decades and pretend it should be beyond questioning, not so much imo.
And that's it from me about this topic...previous commenter is right, probably violates the "no politics" rule.
*Moded, political discussions not related to games are not allowed on the forum.