Seriously, stop fussing over your Forum Rep, it's meaningless and useless, has no bearing on the content of your posts, it males no difference at all.
@ TinyE not picking on you, yours is just only name I recognise having debated with.
I don't know most of you, I don't know TinyE, but he's criticised my posts a few times, and I've criticised his. So what, it's called a debate, and in debates, people have opposite opinions.
I don't "like" some of TinyE's posts, but if i liked them, it would be a boring debate.
I don't base my opinion of your worthiness, on how much you agree with me.
I base it on how well you debate your position, and respect you for arguing your point without disrespecting me.
Rep is an opinion about an opinion, no-one should take notice of such a system.
The real debate, is why such a system exists at all, what purpose does it serve, on any site, but especially here and particularly in a Forum setting.
I only look at your join date and post numbers to form a quick assessment of how much you post., nothing more can be assumed from numbers, but frequency of posts.
Such a system shouldn't even exist on forums, those that use it to sort the posts, like Steam (even worse to rank reviews by likes), are forums I don't go to at all.
I expect all forums to present the posts in the order written, by default. without any judgement of a posts worthiness to exist. I expect to see every post made, removal of the content for rule breaking is expected, but nothing else should be altered and even the removed contents post should remain, with Moderating reason for missing content explained.
The entire idea of a popularity contest, as your forum reputation, is an abomination.
As for saying Negative criticism of GOG in this thread, is bad, because this is a "Positive" thread.
No it damn well isn't, negative responses to a positive opening post, are just as valid as positive responses to a negative OP. To imply they are somehow excluded, is the twisted logic of the like system, I don't accept your twisting of logic. All opinions are equally Valid, without evidence, they are all just hot air, including my own.
So to TinyE and all the others who've lost "Rep", I say it's worthless, thus you lost nothing in my eyes.
I find your opinions, whether right or wrong, in my opinion, of worth, because you make them well and with the same conviction as myself, we can be opposed on one subject, yet agree on the next one.
Your rep with me is high, whether I agree with your opinion or not, this time, you will argue your point well.
That's your rep with me, not worthless opinions, yours, mine or the faceless like/dislikes crowd.
So if you do like/dislike what I say, don't Rep it or do, I don't care. Just say why or don't, but put it in a post, it's still just your worthless opinion, of my worthless opinion, but I will see it, and read it.
I don't even see that rep number, I ignore it.
I have no clue what my rep number is, it's just worthless opinion, good or bad.
Post edited March 27, 2016 by UhuruNUru