Tauto: ruin the community,are you serious? Show me 1 post where I have abused or ridiculed a new member.
I can show you plenty that you and your buddies have ridiculed,so WHOM is trying to ruin the community?
Show me 5 old goggers here and I'll show you all the others that have said the place has gone to the dogs
and will not return.Why? Because nearly every thread in this place gets derailed by idiots and bullies like yourself.
Why?Because it's fun,how do you think the OP feels when that shit happens?Go and rethink your reply to the truth.
The community is mainly old goggers, you know? New members are often temporary and many are alts. Those who remain and behave normally, however, are welcome.
You, instead,
constantly attack all the old users and cause flame wars =
you ruin the community.
Your many bad posts don't exist anymore, as you well know that they have been reported and deleted.
I agree that this thread shouldn't have been "poisoned" with negativity, but who started all the rep mess?
Who continues it daily? Certainly not us.
The ancient goggers are sad because of trolls+scammers or because they just don't know what has happened to their nice forum.