Ubergurl1: To the staff of GOG.com...... just wanted to say T H A N K Y O U, for helping me iron out all the probs I had with my account so efficiently and doing your best to keep me happy. Guess what - you succeeded!!!!
This site has vastly changed from what I remember of it from before - now it's way better. As far as I'm concerned , Stink aka Steam can just vapourise into nothingness and Unplay aka Uplay can get unplugged GOG.com beats them hands down.
10 out of 10 GOG.com!!!
Thanks so much
if anyone else has had a good experience with GOG.com staffers, let them know what a great job they did for you right here......Let's hope our words of encouragement spurs them on to keeping this site so AWESOME!
ciomalau: only because of stupid people like you gog players hate steam players and steam players hate gog players - reminds me of a scene in arx fatalis - there was earth goblin clan who eat rats and they hated the water goblin clan because they eat fish. and water goblins hated earth too. if you talked to either of them they gave you quest to kill the opposite so in the end i killed both clans :( you simply low nothing else to say...
What the game probably did not portray is that there are probably others' out there who prefer to keep the peace, so they find creative ways to prepare rat and fish dishes, perhaps even humble pie.
I imagine by killing both clans that supplies one of food, that one would end up going hungry if they were not self-sufficient.
As both a GOG and Steam player, I've grown to overlook such transgressions. ;)