anothername: If I would not dislike Steam but just prefer gog I would try to get any information possible if a gog release is planned. If yes I'd wait the bit more it might eventually take to get it here. If no I'd check out if there is a reason for the lack of confidence in the game from the publishers to not release outside steam besides DRM. Then I'd get it on Steam.
But since I dislike Steam I have no problem to wait years and accept the possibility to never play certain games that otherwise would have been day one purchases.
I just hate the fact that if one day a meteor will strike Valve's HQ (or I won't have internet) my games will be gone.
But aside from this steam is good social platform and very user friendly IMO.
On topic, apperently the specific game I'm thinking about will remain Steam only:
Weird thing is that there are games with DRM free versions that are sold only from the developers website (like the original Binding Of Isaac)