Tron 2.0- probably my favourite FPS ever. Great gameplay, varied weapons, unique world, superb art design and graphics (aged of course but still good), great level designs, and a good story that is also, against all odds, a proper and good sequel to the movie. A golden little miracle of a game. Unfortuantely not (yet?) on GOG.
Star Wars Jedi Knight- blasters, force powers, lighsabres and FMV cutscenes in all their cheesy fun glory. Unlike Jedi Knight II and Academy, this is still mostly a shooter, since the lighsabre combat is not nearly as good as it is in the sequels, and usually against non-sith enemies its best to stick to range weapons.
Outlaws- spaghetti western fun from Lucasarts with great music and animated cut-scenes.There is some annoying stuff, some puzzles typical for 90s FPS level design that really don't fit the setting and theme, but other than that it's really great fun provided you like westerns.
MoH: Allied Assault (+ Spearhead and Breakthrough)- a gamechanger when it first arrived, it still holds up as a good FPS, and the expansion packs are even better, with some of the best war-themed FPS action out there.
Post edited July 18, 2016 by Breja