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kbnrylaec: tinyE's old avatar is sooooooooooooooooooooo cute.
dunno about cute
but it suits him more
tinyE: I did ask a Blue to close this this morning.

I guess it went into the same file drawer as my request to get rid of rep. :P
Tauto: How long have you been a Queen,where you can ask for a thread to be closed that you didn't start? Go and head butt a semi on the highway,Queen.An apology to the OP for having the gaul to even ask a blue,would be more appropriate.
Why are you always such a wanker? Trolling can be fun, I know. But why do you waste so much time doing it?
low rated
Tauto: How long have you been a Queen,where you can ask for a thread to be closed that you didn't start? Go and head butt a semi on the highway,Queen.An apology to the OP for having the gaul to even ask a blue,would be more appropriate.
darthspudius: Why are you always such a wanker? Trolling can be fun, I know. But why do you waste so much time doing it?
Because of smart mouths like you.
darthspudius: Why are you always such a wanker? Trolling can be fun, I know. But why do you waste so much time doing it?
Tauto: Because of smart mouths like you.
I can't help being better than you...
low rated
Tauto: Because of smart mouths like you.
darthspudius: I can't help being better than you...
You're a broken back dole bludger and better,lol.
zeogold: Bradley scares a lot of us.

Is it time for the tri-monthly necromancing of "The Official TinyE Appreciation Thread"?!

Y'know, what I find both ironic and somewhat hilarious about all of this is that tinyE doesn't ask for all the attention he gets and often hates it, but when he complains about it, it only fuels people to cheer him on more, to the point that he's basically become the forum mascot.

I'm not really sure what the big deal is.
If you dig deep enough, there's a problem with everybody. I'm sure even Mr. Rogers had some nasty part of his past that nobody knew about which could be found if you looked into him enough. If one opinion of Lovecraft is enough to make you cringe at anything remotely related to the guy, I could take 5 of your favorite people and ruin them for you forever.
Even if you can't accept that, you still weren't flying a "Lovecraft" flag or anything. You just had a pixelated Cthulu avatar from some unrelated mobile game. Cthulu is such a well-known pop culture character by now that's been used in so many different things, you can't really say he's 100% related to Lovecraft anymore.
tinyE: I don't mind the attention, but I don't want this much. If I was the only one in the forum I guess the occasional thread about me would be fine, but there are a lot of other people here, 90% of whom are more productive forum members than I am. :D
Look at it this way. Lovecraft is dead and all his work is in the public domain, so there is no way for you to materially support an old dead racist.
tinyE: I guess it went into the same file drawer as my request to get rid of rep. :P
I thought the whole deal was that you WERE getting rid of rep. Just one rep at a time.
Post edited November 08, 2016 by EBToriginal
I definitely like the new one more too.
Tauto would not like that :D.Cheers
EBToriginal: Look at it this way. Lovecraft is dead and all his work is in the public domain, so there is no way for you to materially support an old dead racist.
I don't know - I'm no handyman, but I'm sure something could be put together with some boards and nails. You'd probably need some glue too, to hold what's left of the guy together. I mean, it's been few years.
tinyE: I don't mind the attention, but I don't want this much. If I was the only one in the forum I guess the occasional thread about me would be fine, but there are a lot of other people here, 90% of whom are more productive forum members than I am. :D
EBToriginal: Look at it this way. Lovecraft is dead and all his work is in the public domain, so there is no way for you to materially support an old dead racist.
tinyE: I guess it went into the same file drawer as my request to get rid of rep. :P
EBToriginal: I thought the whole deal was that you WERE getting rid of rep. Just one rep at a time.
Like I posted earlier, it's a particularly sensitive subject for me given the election. Once all this crap is behind us and this National scare is over (knock on wood) I might lighten up.

As for my current avatar, I gotta be honest, I'm loving it. :P I keep having flashbacks to the countless hours I spent with the original Metroid in high school, and I'm looking so forward to the NES MINI coming out next week, seeing the original on my TV.

On that note, a great movie could be made about Samus. A whole series of the could. She could be a female Riddick. It's a wasted opportunity if you ask me.
tinyE: On that note, a great movie could be made about Samus. A whole series of the could. She could be a female Riddick. It's a wasted opportunity if you ask me.
There's already a "female Riddick". Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley.
tinyE: On that note, a great movie could be made about Samus. A whole series of the could. She could be a female Riddick. It's a wasted opportunity if you ask me.
TARFU: There's already a "female Riddick". Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley.
Fuck! There goes that idea! :-(
TARFU: There's already a "female Riddick". Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley.
tinyE: Fuck! There goes that idea! :-(
I don't really think Ripley is anything like Riddick. He's a born bad-ass stone cold killer and criminal with barely a conscience sometimes shining through, she's basicaly an ordinary and likeable person who "finds her inner bad-ass" when an extraordinary situation forces her to. It's a little like saying Agent Scully is female James Bond :P

As to your idea- I really have no idea who "Samus" is, so I can't tell if it's great or crap :D
Post edited November 08, 2016 by Breja
tinyE: Fuck! There goes that idea! :-(
Breja: I don't really think Ripley is anything like Riddick. He's a born bad-ass stone cold killer and criminal with barely a conscience sometimes shining through, she's basicaly an ordinary and likeable person who "finds her inner bad-ass" when an extraordinary situation forces her to. It's a little like saying Agent Scully is female James Bond :P

As to your idea- I really have no idea who "Samus" is, so I can't tell if it's great or crap :D
You don't know who Samus Aran is!?


And leave your Gamers Card here! You no longer have the right to carry it!

Go hang out with that loser who didn't know who Paul and Vince were!
NovumZ: i would like to have your "problems" :)