Posted February 01, 2016

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted February 01, 2016
Games that were good that continue to be good is fairly easy, but timeless is a bit trickier.
I might submit, Final Fantasy Tactics? Farcry? I can't seem to think of a time when Hotline Miami might not be fun anymore. Viva Pinata? Professor Layton and The Curious Village? Rome: Total War? Metal Gear Solid? No One Lives Forever?
I've got it, Mario Tennis.
Nailed it.
I might submit, Final Fantasy Tactics? Farcry? I can't seem to think of a time when Hotline Miami might not be fun anymore. Viva Pinata? Professor Layton and The Curious Village? Rome: Total War? Metal Gear Solid? No One Lives Forever?
I've got it, Mario Tennis.
Nailed it.
Post edited February 01, 2016 by bad_fur_day1

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From Germany

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted February 01, 2016

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted February 01, 2016
Cel shading was a breakthrough for 3d games. Something like Megaman Legends manages to continue looking great while Tomb Raider 1 (which only came out a year and month prior) suffers immensely. I think any game that has pulled off ancient era 3d and is still charming today is timeless. :>

Registered: Nov 2009
From Other
Posted February 01, 2016
I'd have to go with;
Monkey Island 1-3
Commander Keen 4-6 and Dreams
Descent 1-3
The Dig
Monkey Island 1-3
Commander Keen 4-6 and Dreams
Descent 1-3
The Dig

Registered: Sep 2008
From South Africa
Posted February 01, 2016
Prince of Persia (the original)
Bubble Bobble
Bubble Bobble

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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 01, 2016

By Toutatis!
Registered: Jan 2011
From South Africa
Posted February 01, 2016

Monkey Island 1-3
Commander Keen 4-6 and Dreams
Descent 1-3
The Dig
2 was ok, and 3 pretty meh, but 1 I think is still a solid and fun platformer.
By the way, that's an awesome avatar! I'll drop you with my my dual Heavy Gauss + dual ER PPC Fafnir tho ;)

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands

Bad Hair Day
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Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted February 01, 2016
Golden Axe. Especially the 2 on arcades (Death of the Death Adder).
Super Mario All Stars for Snes.
Super Mario World 1 and 2 (yoshi's island) for Snes.
Sonic 1 for Genesis (plus the rest sonic titles for same console).
Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Legacy of Darkness (the first 3d title of series and first game in which final boss was in full power, this one).
Super Mario and Wario Land games for Game Boy.
Pokemon Gen 1 and 2 for Game Boy.
Diablo 2 plus LOD.
Red Alert 2 plus Yuri's.
King of Dragons, Warriors of Fate and Knights of the Round, for arcades, of course!
Dragonball Z Super Butoden series and style of this series, across many platforms (it was on Genesis, Snes, even PS1).
Blade of Darkness. 15 years passed and feels and plays as good as new! Too bad GOG removed it.
Vampire the Masquerade series. Especially Bloodlines, which according to fans: "It doesn't age, it is immortal"!
Mortal Kombat 1, 2, 3. Seriously, i can't wait for gog to release Trilogy, already!
Thief 1 and 2!
And that is all about my educated list!
Super Mario All Stars for Snes.
Super Mario World 1 and 2 (yoshi's island) for Snes.
Sonic 1 for Genesis (plus the rest sonic titles for same console).
Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Legacy of Darkness (the first 3d title of series and first game in which final boss was in full power, this one).
Super Mario and Wario Land games for Game Boy.
Pokemon Gen 1 and 2 for Game Boy.
Diablo 2 plus LOD.
Red Alert 2 plus Yuri's.
King of Dragons, Warriors of Fate and Knights of the Round, for arcades, of course!
Dragonball Z Super Butoden series and style of this series, across many platforms (it was on Genesis, Snes, even PS1).
Blade of Darkness. 15 years passed and feels and plays as good as new! Too bad GOG removed it.
Vampire the Masquerade series. Especially Bloodlines, which according to fans: "It doesn't age, it is immortal"!
Mortal Kombat 1, 2, 3. Seriously, i can't wait for gog to release Trilogy, already!
Thief 1 and 2!
And that is all about my educated list!

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted February 01, 2016
Magic Carpet (and the sequel too, I guess).

↑ Hey, that's me!
Registered: Jun 2014
From United States
Posted February 01, 2016
Warcraft 2
Diablo 1 and 2
(Yeah, go classic Blizzard! :P )
Doom (well pretty much all the games off of this engine too)
Diablo 1 and 2
(Yeah, go classic Blizzard! :P )
Doom (well pretty much all the games off of this engine too)
Post edited February 01, 2016 by coryrj1995