So I just finished STAR WARS: Shadows of the Empire, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it.
It's was my first time playing it but, IMO, the game has aged well, especially in the controlls department. So here are my negatives about this game:
Played it with mouse+keyboard and it was painful. I can use W and S keys to move forward and backwards respectively. However, moving the mouse up and down does the same. I lost count of how many times I died because I just wanted to look other way with the mouse, so that I could shoot an enemy, but accidentally moved the mouse up/down a bit and fell of a cliff.
Then, there's the fact that the game has limited lives. You start with 4 and each chapter has a certain number of challenges points that you can either get by completing certain tasks or by picking up the collectibles. If you get enough challenge points you get more lives. If you lose all lives during a chapter you have to play it from the beginning. That's an old game alright, but I'm just not used to this anymore.
And last, the game is really short and the story is not cohesive.
However, besides all this, I find myself not hating this game. I can say that I had fun and I'm glad that I played this classic. It's weird because the negatives outweight the positives.
So with this, I think that's all for me from 1997.