It looks that the magic of time travel really works!
Today, thanks to mrkgnao, I've realized
Toy Story is 1995 release! I watched the movie yesterday with my kids as a part of fun+cultural education :D It was my wife's initiative. She didn't know about our travels. Perhaps I have to replace the locks at my workshop ;)
Let's look what else hit theatres in 1995 (I guess GOG forum cannot handle that kind of link, so...):,1995-12-31 – – –
finished Full Throttle, but it wasn't easy :)
CervelloYM: I'm playing Stonekeep, it is... pixely, you can probably count the pixels.
But the game still draws atmospheric environments.
I remember this game for its amazing atmosphere. I've never finished it, lost somewhere in the dungeons, without internet and any idea how to progress at some point. I hope I'll be able to check it soon.
For graphics – yup, the game has issues :) There's some complicated history behind how it looks (and how opponents are displayed). But I think I remember quite impressive intro, not sure if my memories are correct, will see ;)