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Time for your last Throwback Thursday of the year, and in this week's episode of our ongoing series with them, we're focusing on one of the games you can get in The Video Game History Support Pack.

Set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Chaos Gate tells the story of the attempt of an Ultramarines army to recover the Concordat Chaosium, a pre-Horus heresy artifact. This turn-based strategy with RPG elements, is SSI’s second entry in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Chaos Gate marries the lore of the 40,000 universe with the strategic depth of an SSI game and creates an engaging experience that further glorifies the Emperor and the Adeptus Astartes’ Legacy.

Recommended by Paczyk, Bizdev Team

I remember playing Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate soon after I got into the Warhammer 40K hobby in 1999. The game resonated with me almost immediately -- I was hooked! The title captured the vibe of the grimdark universe perfectly. The story was decent and the gameplay was very enjoyable. Last but definitely not least, all that is accompanied by a masterful soundtrack that is still probably one of the most played scores over WH40K tabletop battles around the world (especially the Ultramarines Chant!). I launched the game again now, just to quickly make sure that I remember all the facts correctly before writing this... and I'm already in mission 3. The game still has it!

The Throwback Thursday series is done in cooperation with The Video Games History Foundation – a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, celebrating, and teaching the history of video games. If you want to support them, we encourage you to check their donation page. And if you'd like to see all the games in this ongoing series, go to its dedicated page.
I also have fond memories of Chaos Gate from my earlier years. Jumped on it the second I saw it on GOG years ago! Such a nice title! ^^
why write an article about this game it wont even run
BananaJane: why write an article about this game it wont even run
Huh, I just tried to run W40K: Chaose Gate under Windows 7. It runs but with really distorted color palette, everything is in black & white, cutscenes have pixel artifacts.

I checked on the forum and found this:,000-Chaos-Gate

Maybe I'll try it tomorrow, but why GOG didn't include their in-house wrapper which was praised so much by others? This is unexpected.
This game is great, but it has one moment that makes me really angry: at one point you will lose one marine. No chance to avoid it. Because of the story scripts. This is a very, very, very bad game design decision, in my opinion.

Fix the pack's store page listing. It seems to suggest there are Mac/Linux versions for both games when one of them has only Windows installers (thanks to reviewer on that page who pointed it out).
I looked up the The Video Game History Foundation and found this little article on their website:

Even though I have both games and one can't be run properly without a fix I decided to buy the pack since "100% of the proceeds go directly to us!", I appreciate mentioned bonus materials.
My fondest memory of Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate has to be the OST, the choir chanting was Awesome! ^_^!
BananaJane: why write an article about this game it wont even run
Have you tried lately? It wouldn't run properly in Win 10 when I first bought it here, but I just tried again and now it runs fine.
aabe011: My fondest memory of Warhammer 40k Chaos Gate has to be the OST, the choir chanting was Awesome! ^_^!
Banging tracks for sure! One thing i've noticed is that on video platforms, both the Lore videos and other fan-related W40k videos, use a lot the rocking and ambient tunes of this particular game.
Indeed the game is tricky to get it stable and functional under win10 and deprecated ddraw. Anyway I know it can run fine, no garbled colors, maybe some slowdowns with a outof the box GOG installation, It worked for me time ago. I recommend unninstall and reinstall the game, sometimes the silent fixes and features the installer make for the game are not complete or are corrupted.

But if nothing works, another option, the one I am running, is to use some kind of wrapper like ddraw compat or a popular fan patch (Elisha's Patch) that should make the game stable and smooth. It is meant for Chaos Gate and Liberation.,000-Chaos-Gate
Post edited December 31, 2021 by Gudadantza
Please get Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters on GOG.
BananaJane: why write an article about this game it wont even run
works just fine