Hmm... I think it will fail, same as the Wii U because of lack of 3rd party support... and Nintendo failures in addressing proper online features.
It is about TIME for normal accounts, tied purchases, and free or close to free re-download of Virtual Console purchases over the whole "nintendo family"...
I mean by that, totally free versions of the same VC over N platforms or at least the same there was for the Wiishop to Wii U eShop, should be offered for cross-VC purchases over Wii-U, 3DS and now Switch...
I have a Wii U and seeing the comparisons videos of the last Zelda game, i was shocked and worried to get a crappy version for my console... but this latest IGN video comfort me; it will only be slight changes in visuals resolution, not the whole tone of the game changing, apparently as was wrongly suggested by previous videos... I still have to play my Fatal Frame purchase,and see to buy Xenoblade Chronicles X, last Zelda, Earthbound when 50% deal someday, and maybe Tokyo Mirage if the price is right.. But the Switch, i am not hyped to get one and don't hold high hopes for it; and expect failure if it is, again, mostly a rethread of N tired franchises...