G-Doc: :shakes fist:
I'll get you next time, GOGgers!
Oh, and it seems I owe Strijkbout a free gift-code for cracking that one! ;-)
Strijkbout: Haha, thanks I appreciate it.
I should explain though that my father was a chemistry teacher and the periodic table of the elements was hammered in into me from the cradle, that's where most of my knowlegde of chemistry stops also. =)
I do have to say solving it was a lot of fun though but I was a bit too enthausiastic in posting the solution and could have waited a few days to see if others could solve it and create more tension. =/
Well, if I consider the hint "tough" to crack, I award a game to the
first person who gets it right, so while waiting with your answer would be mighty sporty of you, you wouldn't have won. It's the law of the jungle, out here ;-)