011284mm: Sacred 2 Complete.
It has plenty of fetch quests, there are some evil monks and it came on multiple CD's with an atrocious DRM.
fortune_p_dawg: I will never complain about an action-RPG being added to the catalogue.
I would never complain about ANY RPG being added to the catalog!
I tend to gobble up every RPG, RPG hybrid, and straight out strategy game that comes to GOG. It's a sick obsession I have...
I'd be fine with Sacred 2 Complete
I'd be fine with the Risen titles
I'd be fine with Wizardry 1-5
I'd be fine with Titan Quest
I'd even be fine with Gothic 4 Arcania
All those have been guessed, and I guess I have a sort of crazy thrill of wanting every RPG, noteworthy and even supposedly mediocre, just so I can nab them and sink many hours into them.