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zeffyr: I see what you did there and I appreciate it :-)
JudasIscariot: Better hurry as the game in question is coming out tomorrow :D
OK, there's only one possible solution: the longest burp in videogaming history - The Neverhood! :-)
hmm.. must be Game of Thrones then.
From one of the definitions at urbandictionary...

Basicly it's a mixture of bla, meaning boring and burbs meaning subburbs.
Yeah I live in the blerbs... It kinda sux.

The burbs... the blerbs... yeah, could be. But since someone already mentioned the Sims, I'll go with a different version of the 'blerbs'.

Cities: Skylines.
Saints Row 4 the noise you make of running over an alien. Just wild guess here but oh so want Saints Row 4 here
JudasIscariot: Since no one is getting this one as of right now, try sounding out the word :D It's a bit of onomatopoeia :P
Where else than in a comic would you "hear" Blerb!
At last something more from LucasArts.
Wishful thinking:
Day of the Tentacle
LEGO - Jurassic World? :-P
Bioshock ?
"Blerb" -> Gas Powered Games -> Supreme Commander
JudasIscariot: Since no one is getting this one as of right now, try sounding out the word :D It's a bit of onomatopoeia :P
Hmmm......try sounding out the word, try sounding out the word, try sounding out the word.....


Still doesn't get it...

It's a wild random guess,but it does sound like old school game sound effect from NES era.

Axiom Verge ?
One or all of the Blair Witch games?
SolarisLunaris: It's a wild random guess,but it does sound like old school game sound effect from NES era.
This is what I was thinking to, but I can't think of a game it could relate to...
Maybe it`s a real old game from the 80s?
Blerb, converted into numbers, is 2+12+5-18+2=3. 3!!! Don't you see?! Furthermore, as Emob78 so eruditely observed, the word is an amalgam of "something boring" (=half as fun) and suburbs (where people live), there can be only one conclusion:

Half-Life 3 confirmed!!1!
Sounds close to food coming out the way it went in, so some kind of food /restaurant simulador?
darkangelz: Sounds close to food coming out the way it went in, so some kind of food /restaurant simulador?
There was very popular one (in Poland at least), indeed.