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JudasIscariot: try sounding out the word :D It's a bit of onomatopoeia :P
Sounds like Blur. But doesn't that have licensed cars?
JudasIscariot: try sounding out the word :D It's a bit of onomatopoeia :P
JMich: Sounds like Blur. But doesn't that have licensed cars?
He means the Blue Blur.

Sonic the Hedgehog confirmed ;)
I'm torn between Kerbal Space Program and Rollercoaster Tycoon
JudasIscariot: Since no one is getting this one as of right now, try sounding out the word :D It's a bit of onomatopoeia :P
Blair Witch Project? Nah.... :P
Jwan4321: I'm torn between Kerbal Space Program and Rollercoaster Tycoon
Already here. Both of them.
Post edited August 04, 2015 by Grargar
JudasIscariot: Since no one is getting this one as of right now, try sounding out the word :D It's a bit of onomatopoeia :P
Grargar: Blair Witch Project? Nah.... :P
Jwan4321: I'm torn between Kerbal Space Program and Rollercoaster Tycoon
Grargar: Already here. Both of them.
Ah thanks, was not quite sure how this is done. 200+ pages is quite a bit to go through, and I rarely come to the forums. I thought it was some other kind of game.
Could also be Critter Crunch.
MadalinStroe: Could also be Critter Crunch.
Well, this is an Iphone game, GOG doesn`t sell that crap!
MadalinStroe: Could also be Critter Crunch.
Maxvorstadt: Well, this is an Iphone game, GOG doesn`t sell that crap!
It's also on PS3+MAC+PC.
JudasIscariot: Since no one is getting this one as of right now, try sounding out the word :D It's a bit of onomatopoeia :P
Speaking the word out loud, somehow reminds me of "Narm". Stupid connections in my brain. Make yourselves useful.
MadalinStroe: Could also be Critter Crunch.
Maxvorstadt: Well, this is an Iphone game, GOG doesn`t sell that crap!
I don't know anything about the phone version, maybe it's different, but the game on consoles and PC is actually a lot of fun if you like the genre. I would love to see it on here, and since it's by the same devs who made Super Time Force Ultra it could happen.
Maxvorstadt: Well, this is an Iphone game, GOG doesn`t sell that crap!
MadalinStroe: It's also on PS3+MAC+PC.
It's also pretty darn good from what I've played of it :-)
cecil: ...from what I've played of it :-)
cecil: ...from what I've played of it :-)
MadalinStroe: :)
Shout out to pixel junk shooter any chance for the sequel?
A wild guess: Morrowind. Doesn’t the cliff racer cry sound similar?