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skeletonbow: I agree region locks are harmful. The problem is regional ownership though, different people/companies own the rights to a given movie in different parts of the world, and GOG can't get ownership rights without negotiating with like 50 people per movie and it's a different group of people for every movie. That's a problem that is next to impossible to solve in terms of scoring worldwide distribution.

The thing that bugs me about that is that if they could get bread crumbs in one region and the movie sold well in that region they would have something to take to the owners of the other regions and say "hey, this sells, do you want in?" and probably get somewhere and end up with worldwide distribution in time for a given film, and the good experiences they make along the way might secure more regions for the next film out the door etc.

Seems incredibly unlikely to happen with an all-or-nothing stance though.
The whole movie ordeal seems like a Sisyphean-task. I think GOG would benefit to just focus on games at this point.
cyboff: what? really? sad news... :(
Grargar: The link in question.
To be honest, if this is true, this is good news. It was a bad idea for GOG to divide its resources like that to begin with, since there's still much that they have to do in order to stay competitive in the gaming market and the movie market is simply too big of a legal mess to handle halfheartedly . If CD Projekt wants to get into movie distribution, they should start a separate service. Not only would a new service be able to focus solely on movies, it would also have a clean slate in terms of what it is willing to do in order to get movies on it.

Either way, I'm glad GOG will go back to focusing on games. However, I do feel sorry for those that spent money buying movies here on GOG. If a sister service does show up, I hope they'll offer those customers some form of compensation.
Gandos: Either way, I'm glad GOG will go back to focusing on games. However, I do feel sorry for those that spent money buying movies here on GOG. If a sister service does show up, I hope they'll offer those customers some form of compensation.
Thankfully they were all truly DRM-free. I have all my files downloaded (minus 3 from last week's sale) and I won't need them hosted. I imagine even if they're pulled from sale, previous purchasers will still have access.

It was nice for a few of us whose movie-watching options have basically evaporated completely...
Gandos: If CD Projekt wants to get into movie distribution, they should start a separate service. Not only would a new service be able to focus solely on movies, it would also have a clean slate in terms of what it is willing to do in order to get movies on it.
I kind of agree with this if that's the best we can get: open a sister site that still sticks to it's guns regarding DRM-free but openly has region locks b/c they have no choice (and get a separate team to worry about it, perhaps in GOG:LA)
Gandos: Either way, I'm glad GOG will go back to focusing on games. However, I do feel sorry for those that spent money buying movies here on GOG. If a sister service does show up, I hope they'll offer those customers some form of compensation.
They'd still have whatever they bought, much like I still have the games I bought that are no longer available for sale here, so not sure what they would have to compensate anyone for.
Gandos: Either way, I'm glad GOG will go back to focusing on games. However, I do feel sorry for those that spent money buying movies here on GOG. If a sister service does show up, I hope they'll offer those customers some form of compensation.
skeletonbow: They'd still have whatever they bought, much like I still have the games I bought that are no longer available for sale here, so not sure what they would have to compensate anyone for.
I think they mean is crossover as in they want the movies they got here over there for ease of use sake and if they are allowed to do that then I could see how some might find that helpful.
In the thread about the abrupt end of the Insomnia sale, a blue mentioned some exciting events. Could it be, that it linked with release which is the answer to this "long-standing" hint? I am still going with Homeworld. One can dream. :)
cyboff: what? really? sad news... :(
Grargar: The link in question.
I just want to point out that the "Submit your movie" link at the bottom of the page is still there and active. Wouldn't they remove it, if they won't release any more movies?

For now I think it's just a random rumour and I'll hope that we will see many more movies here. I like the section.
PaterAlf: I just want to point out that the "Submit your movie" link at the bottom of the page is still there and active. Wouldn't they remove it, if they won't release any more movies?

For now I think it's just a random rumour and I'll hope that we will see many more movies here. I like the section.
I'm still waiting for a new movie to release, though. We haven't seen one ever since the end of January.
Grargar: I'm still waiting for a new movie to release, though. We haven't seen one ever since the end of January.
Considering that GOG seems to be mostly interested in films about videogaming I suppose there aren't many of them around.
I admit that I'd like GOG to have more movies/documentaries focused on the video game industry. In fact I find it sad that most gamers don't really care a lot about the history of the gaming industry. I suppose it's probably a bit like people who love to go to the movies but don't care about the history of cinema.
IronArcturus: Yeah, I remember GOG saying it was near-impossible to get more popular movies since no movie studio wanted to go DRM-free. But it was an interesting experiment. I still hope GOG will get more rare games!
skeletonbow: ...but the community generally has a vocal minority with a resounding "no" so that most likely completely kills any chance in hell of ever seeing any hollywood type movies on anyway.
And that's what is sad if this is true, it really is a vocal minority... honestly GOG listens to people on this forum way to much considering the forum is just one small fraction of GOG's user base, which is mainly made of people that have been here for a while that want GOG to remain niche.

We need a blue to comment on this and let us know either way. :/
Grargar: I'm still waiting for a new movie to release, though. We haven't seen one ever since the end of January.
karnak1: Considering that GOG seems to be mostly interested in films about videogaming I suppose there aren't many of them around.
I admit that I'd like GOG to have more movies/documentaries focused on the video game industry. In fact I find it sad that most gamers don't really care a lot about the history of the gaming industry. I suppose it's probably a bit like people who love to go to the movies but don't care about the history of cinema.
It makes sense to have video game related documentaries on a video game retailer website in terms of the target market etc. Branching out from that though, what other areas are there that are open to DRM-free I wonder. Personally I might watch a video game documentary if someone handed it to me and said "I've got this interesting game documentary, watch it" but I'm indifferent to them overall that I would probably not ever buy one. Louis CK and some other comedians are successfully doing DRM-free standup comedy shows, I wonder if there are enough comedians out there that would do their own direct-marketed content and offer it up DRM-free on a site like GOG and if GOG would be open to the idea? I would definitely buy stand up comedy specials for say $4.99 on GOG like Louis CK charges on his own website, and support a DRM-free stand up comedy movement. That could branch out from there to other things too. The big leagues of Hollywood are just not going to happen though.
Is Deadnaut the "hint game"?
Post edited March 11, 2015 by karnak1
karnak1: Is Deadnaut the "hint game"?
Nope, in such case Judas would have written that already.
karnak1: Is Deadnaut the "hint game"?
zeffyr: Nope, in such case Judas would have written that already.
OK. I was just wondering because of the "squad-like" mechanics and the old console-style interface.