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Cyraxpt: I'm curious, has it ever been a time where a hint was given but no one guessed it?
I'm 99% sure it hasn't happened since they started giving the correct guesser a free copy of the game. Before that, I don't know.
Cyraxpt: I'm curious, has it ever been a time where a hint was given but no one guessed it?
If I remember correctly no one guessed Risen.
AdamR: I'm 99% sure it hasn't happened since they started giving the correct guesser a free copy of the game. Before that, I don't know.
MadyNora: If I remember correctly no one guessed Risen.
Heh, it would be funny to see a situation where the clue was so far-fetched from the answer (ex. Horse + Swords = Some random car game (horsepower) with sword on the name).
MadyNora: If I remember correctly no one guessed Risen.
That's right! That was insane!
The hint was this. Everyone started trying to think of which games came on 5 CDs (they actually represented 5 crystal discs you had to find in a quest.) And everyone thought the thumbs up at the end had some big significance (it had no meaning at all.)

This was G-Doc's post explaining the hint. Good times...
Post edited November 11, 2014 by AdamR
MadyNora: If I remember correctly no one guessed Risen.
AdamR: That's right! That was insane!
The hint was this. Everyone started trying to think of which games were on 5 CD's (they represented 5 crystal discs you had to find in a quest.) And everyone thought the thumbs up at the end had some big significance (it had no meaning at all.)
To be fair, in order to guess that hint with the crystal discs you must have had played the game. It was kind of unfair. "You can only guess the hint and get a free copy of the game, if you already have the game" :P
The-Business: I guess that the text is an anagram and the horse only an excuse because the text is no correct English.


One could create
from that but would still have 'arss'. Maybe as some kind of tag line like 'a realtime space strategy'?
Nice theory. But where's the "L" in "Ima Swordhoers!" ??? So, I'd say you're on the 'woodway' ;-P
gamefood: But where's the "L" in "Ima Swordhoers!" ???
"L" like 'l' in 'lma'.
gamefood: But where's the "L" in "Ima Swordhoers!" ???
The-Business: "L" like 'l' in 'lma'.
I don't read lma = leave me alone. I read it like "I'm a". That would match to the misspelled "hoers" and to the fact that horses are pretty bad in orthography ;-P

Judas might help us... Hey Judas is it lma or Ima?
I think that the upcoming game is Mount & Blade: Warband.

The other possibility that comes to mind is Darksiders (swordhorse) but that would mean Nordic's partial return which is frankly impossible.
Post edited November 12, 2014 by Matruchus
The-Business: "L" like 'l' in 'lma'.
gamefood: I don't read lma = leave me alone. I read it like "I'm a". That would match to the misspelled "hoers" and to the fact that horses are pretty bad in orthography ;-P

Judas might help us... Hey Judas is it lma or Ima?
I as in "eye" :)
Drakensang: Eye of the Flame or whatever it's called.

Edit: Drakensang: Dark Eye.
Post edited November 12, 2014 by ShadowWulfe
gamefood: I don't read lma = leave me alone. I read it like "I'm a". That would match to the misspelled "hoers" and to the fact that horses are pretty bad in orthography ;-P

Judas might help us... Hey Judas is it lma or Ima?
JudasIscariot: I as in "eye" :)
Hah, I knew it! :D
Hey The-Business I'm sorry for pulverizing your pretty well thought theory to dust like the Deathstar did with Alderaan ;)

I bet the game is anything...french. Playing in France or made by Frenchmen. Because of "hoers"...
Can any French confirm that you speak out "horse" like "hoers"? ;)
I'm really curious with this one.. because I'm sure I've seen something to do with a sword horse somewhere... but google doesn't turn up anything and I can't remember what I'm thinking it might be... or if I'm just making it up :/

Mount and Blade does seem the logical answer...
MadyNora: If I remember correctly no one guessed Risen.
AdamR: That's right! That was insane!
The hint was this. Everyone started trying to think of which games came on 5 CDs (they actually represented 5 crystal discs you had to find in a quest.) And everyone thought the thumbs up at the end had some big significance (it had no meaning at all.)

This was G-Doc's post explaining the hint. Good times...
Wait, there use to be video hints? And now we get google images with words? What happened to the hints budget? D:
Well, given the currently rising anticipation of certain games, at least it wasn't a wind-up hint, such as "May the Horse be with you" :-P

EDIT: Nope, no other connection, other than the rhyming bit, before anyone points it out! :-)
Post edited November 12, 2014 by blakstar