Gandos: Well, they don't necessarily have to make an edition with ALL the DLC. Personally, I'd be quite happy with an edition that includes the base game + the 8 major DLCs (Sword of Islam, Legacy of Rome, The Republic etc.), leaving out all the various fluff DLCs (extra shields, portraits, music, the ruler designer etc.).
Grargar: Unfortunately, that's not how Paradox rolls. You either get only the base edition, or the complete collection, or the full DLC upgrade, or each piece of DLC separately.
I can't be excited about Paradox's releases anymore because I know there'll be a barrage of DLCs; the total cost being more than double the cost of the base game. With so much DLC, I can't help but feel at least some features were purposely withheld from release. Not only that, the people most likely to buy all said DLCs are probably the biggest fans. In other words, it feels like Paradox is gouging its loyal user base for every penny/ruble/cent it can get :(
Perhaps (definitely) there are worse offenders in this regard, but we happen to be talking about Paradox today...