This makes a lot of sense for a number of reasons.
1.) Nightdive asked their facebook about Darkseed a while back. There were more than a few interested people in seeing them bring it back 2.) G-Doc posted a picture in the summer sale forum thread and it had the Night Dive tentacles with a clock in the middle. After reading a brief synopsis of Dark Seed, a clock makes a lot of sense. I've since lost it unless someone else knows where it is. But if I remember right there was a 3 hour gap on the clock in the picture G-Doc posted. In Dark Seed you have 3 days to complete what you need to before it's too late. Also, on the clock's importance according to Wikipedia:
"Unlike most point-and-click adventure games, which give the player time to explore, almost every action in Dark Seed has to fall within precise time limits, or the game will end up in an unwinnable state. As a result of this one must start over repeatedly to win without resorting to a walkthrough."
3.) Judas hinted at a point-and-click horror game, and that's what Dark Seed appears to be according to Moby and Wikipedia.
Granted it's not my personal first pick, but it would probably make some people happy.