Posted June 20, 2014

Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted June 20, 2014
I'm going to go with Shovel Knight, although it doesn't personally interest me.

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From New Zealand
Posted June 20, 2014
[url=]Possibly not[/url]. Could be a sign of the rights having been sorted, or it could be a trademark troll to give a rights holder motivation to get in touch. The NOLF trademark was in the same status as Torment's, ie expired, so it could easily be either.

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted June 20, 2014

"This search session has expired. Please start a search session again by clicking on the TRADEMARK icon, if you wish to continue."
All concrete information out there I've seen to date on NOLF including from GOG themselves is that the game is in legal hell. When there is concrete information that it is no longer the case I'll believe it, but until then it isn't going to happen likely. DItto with Blood Omen and many many other games sad to say. We can and should all be hopeful, but at the same time we have to acknowledge the status quo for what it is until solid evidence is publicized showing real promise rather than our wishful thinking. System Shock 2 got sorted out, so sometimes these things do resolve, but they seem to be the rare exceptions to the general rule of IP hell. :)

Bovine Aftermath
Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted June 20, 2014
Night Dive has recently hinted about No One Lives Forever... come on people, there's a picture of a shovel!

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada

n00b user
Registered: Aug 2009
From Spain
Posted June 21, 2014
Let's see... a shovel... my daughter always brings a toy shovel to the beach.... she uses it to play with the sand... lots of sand...
Dune confirmed!
Dune confirmed!

I want MIDI back
Registered: Mar 2010
From Poland
Posted June 21, 2014
So - is it safe to assume no classic release until Summer Promo ends?

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From New Zealand

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted June 21, 2014

I don't personally think a NOLF rerelease is imminent, but it is possible.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted June 21, 2014
No matter how hard I try to twist it... the hint doesn't seem to apply to System Shock or Utopia - The Creation of a Nation... T_T
(The day will surely come when they arrive on GOG! ^_^ )
Maybe one of these games: or its sequel [url=]Diggers 2: Extractors?
ty for the info. ^_^
(The day will surely come when they arrive on GOG! ^_^ )
Maybe one of these games: or its sequel [url=]Diggers 2: Extractors?
ty for the info. ^_^

Registered: May 2013
From France

The flamin beer will burp you down!
Registered: Apr 2009
From Germany
Posted June 21, 2014
It must be one of these:
- Hardware Store Tycoon
- Sid Meier's Shovelization
- Need For Spade
- Hardware Store Tycoon
- Sid Meier's Shovelization
- Need For Spade
Post edited June 21, 2014 by gamefood