tinyE: In all fairness, this isn't politics, it's human rights.
Nirth: Problem is, as soon as you discuss what human rights should be it
becomes a political issue.
As from someone who's never been to the US, is it true that Alabama is a backwards thinking state full of bigotry, racism and I guess fanatical christians? Whenever I see travels tips threads on the net and people mention the US there's always a few people that immediately says:
Whatever you do avoid the Bible Belt, sometimes pointing to Alabama as one of the core issues.
Yes, the south is filled with idiots. They vote against their own self-interest all the time. Mississippi is right there with Alabama. Probably the best two states to avoid. South Carolina just recently got rid of the confederate flag as their state flag. Just to give an idea of the complete stupidity here. NY times, I think it was, did a poll of people collecting some sort government payout, and over half did not even recognize that they were on such a program and were against them.
It's not so much fanatical christians as it is stupid people. As long as a person says or does stuff that is christian, religion is considered ok in this country. Infringe on the rampant christian stupidity, and all hell breaks loose with cries of political correctness and such. For instance, it is now common to say "Happy Holidays" by businesses instead of "Merry Christmas" because of the christian context, that's considered "a war on christmas". It's just stupid.