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low rated
Yet another black trans woman has been murdered. I mentioned this happening in a few other topics, but I think it deserves its own topic. This brings the total up to 13 so far. (Keep in mind that this only accounts for the ones that have been reported and where the victim was known to be trans.)

I considered posting a topic about this a few days ago when the 12th murder happened, but I waited just a few days and another one happened. This really has been happening way too often.
high rated
dtgreene: Yet another black trans woman has been murdered. I mentioned this happening in a few other topics, but I think it deserves its own topic. This brings the total up to 13 so far. (Keep in mind that this only accounts for the ones that have been reported and where the victim was known to be trans.)

I considered posting a topic about this a few days ago when the 12th murder happened, but I waited just a few days and another one happened. This really has been happening way too often.
"The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 805 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2012-2014. Almost all the hungry people, 791 million, live in developing countries, representing 13.5 percent, or one in eight, of the population of developing counties."


I find it amazing how myopic Western culture can be when it comes to the sanctity of life. Does that mean I do not think that it is tragic that another human being has been murdered, regardless of their race/ethnicity/sex/gender? No, but there are some serious issues in the world that rarely receive a second of media time.

I realise that this is an unpopular thing to say but fuck there is an over-representation of media time on trans/LGBT issues in Western media right now. There are far more serious issues going on. The world is going to shit. We are fucking up our planet and an interdependent ecosystem and all people seem to give a shit about is whether or not 2 people of the same sex can get married and how tough life is for people who have gender issues. Many groups face starvation, war (I'm looking at YOU Western "democracies"), homelessness, etc and things like this pale in significance.

13 so far...tragic for every single one of them and the people who love them but statistically insignificant. This doesn't mean that I do not care, and I realise that I am coming across harshly, but it does not discount the fact that there are so many people dying in horrendous ways or suffering extremely at the hands of others and those issues barely get a moment of air-time.

13 black trans women dead. What is your solution? I cannot think of one that would counter bigotry and enhance their chance of life. As for war and starvation, I can think of many solutions and no-one wants to enact them because they aren't profitable.
dtgreene: Yet another black trans woman has been murdered. I mentioned this happening in a few other topics, but I think it deserves its own topic. This brings the total up to 13 so far. (Keep in mind that this only accounts for the ones that have been reported and where the victim was known to be trans.)

I considered posting a topic about this a few days ago when the 12th murder happened, but I waited just a few days and another one happened. This really has been happening way too often.
Tarnicus: "The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 805 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2012-2014. Almost all the hungry people, 791 million, live in developing countries, representing 13.5 percent, or one in eight, of the population of developing counties."


I find it amazing how myopic Western culture can be when it comes to the sanctity of life. Does that mean I do not think that it is tragic that another human being has been murdered, regardless of their race/ethnicity/sex/gender? No, but there are some serious issues in the world that rarely receive a second of media time.

I realise that this is an unpopular thing to say but fuck there is an over-representation of media time on trans/LGBT issues in Western media right now. There are far more serious issues going on. The world is going to shit. We are fucking up our planet and an interdependent ecosystem and all people seem to give a shit about is whether or not 2 people of the same sex can get married and how tough life is for people who have gender issues. Many groups face starvation, war (I'm looking at YOU Western "democracies"), homelessness, etc and things like this pale in significance.

13 so far...tragic for every single one of them and the people who love them but statistically insignificant. This doesn't mean that I do not care, and I realise that I am coming across harshly, but it does not discount the fact that there are so many people dying in horrendous ways or suffering extremely at the hands of others and those issues barely get a moment of air-time.

13 black trans women dead. What is your solution? I cannot think of one that would counter bigotry and enhance their chance of life. As for war and starvation, I can think of many solutions and no-one wants to enact them because they aren't profitable.
I agree and I hope nobody mistakes your post as cold blooded because it's not. The media is making people focus too much on things that will prevent them from thinking about the more serious problems right now, like homelessness, the lack of decent jobs, inflation, the rising cost of food, diseases, the planet being polluted and raped etc. And why aren't we looking into space? There are 1000000000s of things in space that can destroy our Earth and humanity isn't doing shit about it. So foolish.

But back to the topic subject. I wonder if these kind of murders have been happening recently or have they always been happening since the beginning of time and only now, people are enlightened enough to care about them? And is there any evidence, these people were murdered because of their gender identity? Maybe they were murdered because they messed with the wrong people?
Post edited August 12, 2015 by monkeydelarge
low rated
Tarnicus: "The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 805 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2012-2014. Almost all the hungry people, 791 million, live in developing countries, representing 13.5 percent, or one in eight, of the population of developing counties."


I find it amazing how myopic Western culture can be when it comes to the sanctity of life. Does that mean I do not think that it is tragic that another human being has been murdered, regardless of their race/ethnicity/sex/gender? No, but there are some serious issues in the world that rarely receive a second of media time.

I realise that this is an unpopular thing to say but fuck there is an over-representation of media time on trans/LGBT issues in Western media right now. There are far more serious issues going on. The world is going to shit. We are fucking up our planet and an interdependent ecosystem and all people seem to give a shit about is whether or not 2 people of the same sex can get married and how tough life is for people who have gender issues. Many groups face starvation, war (I'm looking at YOU Western "democracies"), homelessness, etc and things like this pale in significance.

13 so far...tragic for every single one of them and the people who love them but statistically insignificant. This doesn't mean that I do not care, and I realise that I am coming across harshly, but it does not discount the fact that there are so many people dying in horrendous ways or suffering extremely at the hands of others and those issues barely get a moment of air-time.

13 black trans women dead. What is your solution? I cannot think of one that would counter bigotry and enhance their chance of life. As for war and starvation, I can think of many solutions and no-one wants to enact them because they aren't profitable.
monkeydelarge: I agree and I hope nobody mistakes your post as cold blooded because it's not. The media is making people focus too much on things that will prevent them from thinking about the more serious problems right now, like homelessness, the lack of decent jobs, inflation, the rising cost of food, diseases, the planet being polluted and raped etc. But back to the topic subject. I wonder if these kind of murders have been happening recently or have they always been happening since the beginning of time and only now, people are enlightened enough to care about them? And is there any evidence, these people were murdered because of their gender identity? Maybe they were murdered because they messed with the wrong people?
Here's one statistic to consider: In 2014, there were 12. This year, there have already been 13, and the year isn't even 2/3s over.
monkeydelarge: I agree and I hope nobody mistakes your post as cold blooded because it's not. The media is making people focus too much on things that will prevent them from thinking about the more serious problems right now, like homelessness, the lack of decent jobs, inflation, the rising cost of food, diseases, the planet being polluted and raped etc. But back to the topic subject. I wonder if these kind of murders have been happening recently or have they always been happening since the beginning of time and only now, people are enlightened enough to care about them? And is there any evidence, these people were murdered because of their gender identity? Maybe they were murdered because they messed with the wrong people?
dtgreene: Here's one statistic to consider: In 2014, there were 12. This year, there have already been 13, and the year isn't even 2/3s over.
Is 1 more death of a transgender person this year, truly a sign of anything? Maybe next year, there will be less murders or none(hopefully).
Post edited August 12, 2015 by monkeydelarge
black trans woman?

You mean a guy who is a girl but is black?
low rated
dtgreene: Here's one statistic to consider: In 2014, there were 12. This year, there have already been 13, and the year isn't even 2/3s over.
monkeydelarge: Is 1 more death of a transgender person this year, truly a sign of anything?
That's 1 more reported death *so far* this year.

Also, lately it's been feeling like, before the previous murder becomes old news, yet another one happens.

Also, it is worth noting that this is only counting murders, not suicides (of which there are way too many) and other causes of death.
Antimateria: black trans woman?

You mean a guy who is a girl but is black?
A black guy who became a black woman, I believe.
monkeydelarge: Is 1 more death of a transgender person this year, truly a sign of anything?
dtgreene: That's 1 more reported death *so far* this year.

Also, lately it's been feeling like, before the previous murder becomes old news, yet another one happens.

Also, it is worth noting that this is only counting murders, not suicides (of which there are way too many) and other causes of death.
So what are you trying to point out to everyone?
Post edited August 12, 2015 by monkeydelarge
monkeydelarge: Is 1 more death of a transgender person this year, truly a sign of anything?
dtgreene: That's 1 more reported death *so far* this year.

Also, lately it's been feeling like, before the previous murder becomes old news, yet another one happens.

Also, it is worth noting that this is only counting murders, not suicides (of which there are way too many) and other causes of death.
Could the baseline number also have increased? Given the increasing openness and permissivity in US society over this topic seems plausible. Equal murder rate times higher baseline = higher number of murders. Progress! Of sorts :(
dtgreene: Here's one statistic to consider: In 2014, there were 12. This year, there have already been 13, and the year isn't even 2/3s over.
"Iraq Casualties, 1980-2009: From Saddam Hussein to George Bush - 900,000 Iraqis Killed in Three Decades of Repression and War"


Well at least this statistic is "improving"...

"Five years ago, they said 25,500 children died every day, but by 2011 the number of death had declined to 21,000 per day. Every four seconds, one person dies.

To figure out how many people die every minute, we need to divide the number of minutes in a day into the daily starvation death tally. With 1,440 minutes in a day and 21,000 deaths, approximately 15 people die every minute from starvation."

Tarnicus: ...
I'm getting sick of all this whataboutery on the internet.

Keep in mind this is today's comic, I didn't save it up for the occasion or anything.
So what, Tarnicus, much more people died in wars, obviously. If dtgreene wants to discuss the problem, he should be free to do so.
We cant change it.
But we can change our thinking.
A man once said be the change you want to see in the world.
His name was Gandhi and he was shot dead.
Starmaker: I'm getting sick of all this whataboutery on the internet.

Keep in mind this is today's comic, I didn't save it up for the occasion or anything.
I thought that would be raised. % of air-time about the issues I mentioned on Australian media currently = 0% % of air-time about trans/LGBT issues = 10-15% Hence you will see me state what I did. Yes it sounds harsh, but I cannot help but get frustrated about disproportionate representation and media bias.

As I mentioned in my first post, something can be done quite easily about war and starvation. Okay so 13 black trans women have been murdered. As I asked the original poster, please tell me what can be done about this? To me this seems like yet another topic of "generate shock/horror/rage/PCness on a topic where little can be done about it, at the expense of issues that do have solutions and are far greater in scope of tragedy.

Let's say that every single one of those black trans women were targeted and murdered because they were black trans women. Pretend there is no other reason than that for their unfortunate murders. Let's say that each was murdered by a separate individual. So we have 13 bigoted nasty people who have targeted black trans women. What do you propose to change their mindset? How to do propose to prevent future murders? Maybe every black trans woman could be assigned their own personal bodyguard at taxpayer's expense? That is a possible solution. How feasible is it?

To me this seems like yet another topic of "generate shock/horror/rage/PCness on a topic where little can be done about it.
But was she killed for being transgender, or is that unrelated and just used to get more readers?
And has the transgender community not grown in the past year?
And if it has, is the growth of the murder rate proportionate to the growth of the community?
Also, what word would be better than 'community'?
I doubt every transgender is part of a secret network and they all know each other.