Posted July 07, 2016
low rated
twice in a row i get 2nd place in this race.. and earlier i had mission to shoot bad people, then police came, i got on bike to shoot bad man's cars, taxi driver rammed me, then police ram me and i fell off bike, i kill police, i respray bike to lose cops then because i had 1 cm health left, i call terry to buy body armor. i come to his place but i think i double pressed Tab idk. and terry walks away and i had no health, no armor... and when i go to the last bad man car, they drown in ocean...... and i finally finish mission..... with 1 cm hp left. luckily i picked up a body armor which gave me 2-3 more cm of armor than i already had. if i didn't pick up armor i'd be dead. gta 4 was good but this is too hard for me i prefer RPGs. anybody finish this race? it's from Malcolm after mission with Ray's diamonds