Ki11s0n3: Since I don't trust myself putting them together anymore since it's been years. I was wondering where was a good place to go to pick one up that isn't ridiculously over priced. I'm either thinking about getting one now and making payments on it or just waiting until I do my taxes.
GR00T: I get almost all my parts from (there's a store near me, so I pick up my parts instead of having them shipped). Check out since you appear to e in the USA. They have regular sales, and you can choose your parts and have them build the rig for you (I think they charge 50 bucks). You can often get free shipping during their sales as well. The only thing they don't install when shipping is the video card. This is to eliminate the chance of damage to the motherboard during the shipping process, so you have to install that component yourself.
Great post. I had never heard of them before, but after checking out the site, that looks like a pretty good option if you dont have the time or patience to build yourself. Kindve hard to find the build options so I included them bellow along with some thoughts:
The NCIX PC tab at the top takes you to their own builds to choose from or customize. I noticed the Kube model uses the same case I did. Awesome.
Another route if you dont want one of the above is buried in the menus: Go to to main page left column / More Categories/ NCIXPC Options/ Assembly Options. This is where you find the $50 or $75 premium assembly options... Thats super reasonable IMO. Id go for Premium if you get a windowed case as they spend more time making it look nice and neat.
I noticed they also include a Windows Disc. Not a recover disc but an actual disc to reinstall Windows. MANY mainstream manufacturers are dropping the ball on this. Im glad to see it here but would rather have it on usb 2.0 stick as its easier to install on modern systems, but you can download that yourself as long as you have your Windows key.
I bookmarked this site even though I build my own as some of my friends dont, and might want to have one built.